MovieChat Forums > Silence (2017) Discussion > Laughably dull and just plain laughable

Laughably dull and just plain laughable

Come on, who let out a giggle when Neeson started his voiceover? Ultra serious, white, and perfect English. And then you cut to Spiderman being a priest (now with a hilarious beard instead of that hilarious haircut he had in Hacksaw Ridge) followed by a CGI boat trip to Japan with such pearlers as "no luggage except our hearts" and other trite crap. At which point I walked out.

No wonder this is flopping. Its a period that has zero interest to any millennial, same with religion. Its 2017, people with a brain have moved on from blaming a sky fairy for their problems/life.


If this were a story about Buddhism, Islam, or any other religion besides Christianity, and if it had all the same characters/setting/direction/special effects, you would probably say that it was a very well made film. Your explicit prejudice against Christianity forces you to not only reject the story upon which it is based, but also everything from the acting to the CGI. As far as belief is concerned, you do realize you believe in spontaneous generation/abiogenesis, a belief that was proven wrong in the mid 1800's by Lois Pasteur. Clearly you and your brain have come a long way.


This whole thread is an utter shitshow. I know all these posts are from the old IMDb, so I can't interact with the posters, but damn.

Lol at the bit about the movie not being of interest to millennials. I'm a millennial and I found it very interesting. I'm not a religious person, but as someone with an interest in history and someone who can appreciate the story of the struggles of the characters in the movie, I liked it.

With some reservations of course. As one of the few halfway intelligent comments on this thread pointed out, the Jesuits had played a rather destructive role in Japan before they were kicked out. It's unfortunate that the movie (and the book it's based on, which I read some years ago) failed to address this. Inoue's arguments against the priest were silly and didn't talk about the real issues. I can appreciate the personal struggles of the priests, but considering their organization was essentially the vanguard of Catholic reaction and an ideological arm of colonialism, I can't sympathize with the cause they objectively serve. To be a bit hyperbolic just to illustrate my point, it's like watching Das Boot; the plight of the German sailors can be sympathized with, but the simple fact is that they were making Hitler's goals possible, so you can't hope they win.
