Only Spanish subtitles?

My sister got the dvd from Walmart and apparently even though the audio is English the only subtitle option available is Spanish. Anyone else think that's weird?


Ya it sucks. I sometimes have to watch movies late at night when everyone else is asleep and because I can't turn it real loud then I rely on the subs to hear what they're saying. Every movie should have English subs at least for the people who are deaf!


I used closed caption option on my TV, have you tried that? worked for me when I watched it.

Forth, and fear no darkness!......King Theoden


Yeah, that was kind of weird.


Yeah, I think they pay less or next to nothing for Spanish subs but have to pay extra for any english subs. I have to watch dvds at work on a portable dvd player with tiny speakers that are ok on some movies but not so loud on others. I like to have the subtitles for hard to hear dialogue.


I know of at least two studios that usually have no English subtitles or poor subs.I know their are a few more.Like 2929 Productions

Mutant Chronicles (2008) Magnolia Home Entertainment and also First Look studio

Some of their dvd's do have (CC)closed caption option.But this option will not work through a HDMI cable.You have to use the Red/yellow/white audio/video wires,which makes the picture quialty worse.

Thank goodness most DVD's and studios have decent subtiles options.
