MovieChat Forums > Mutant Chronicles (2008) Discussion > The strength of the cast was not enough ...

The strength of the cast was not enough to save this film.

Often times I'll rent movies, even when I know nothing about it, if I see actors I like. Most recently I rented The Great Buck Howard because of John Malkovich and Colin Hanks, and sure enough, it was great.

I give my trust to these actors to pick good movies to star in, and when I saw Ron Perlman, Thomas Jane, and (especially) John Malkovich, I gave this film a shot. I thought even if it wasn't good, it'd at least be fun.

Nope, it was pretty terrible.


The acting was what I expected from these professionals who had little to work with. Perelman, Malkovich and Jane are always good. The rest were decent enough. The story and direction was just bad. Really bad and unfinished-looking special effects.


Seriously, who goes to the trouble of getting Malkovich and Pertwee and Jane, and then doesn't bother getting a script?


Ron Perlman is the most underrated actor in Hollywood. I agree the cast was great in this film, but just about everything else was terrible. Still wasn't bad (well it wasn't very great either) in terms of the story experience to the audience.



I thought the cast was a distraction. Not knowing who was in the movie, for most of the movie, for some reason I thought Christopher Lambert was the main character (I kept on commenting how young he looked).

Thomas Jane can be a decent actor, but in this movie, he just didn't care, it was a paycheck.

That is the problem, when you got big stars doing small movies they don't believe it, they become nearly as dead as the mutants.

John Malkovich I swear was looking at the exit sign off screen and I'm sure he ran for it right after his lines ended. Devon Aoki, who is a bad actress is a bad actress who doesn't care in this movie.

Ron Perlman was on cruise control. He is a natural for movies like this.

The only ones I liked were Sean Pertwee.


Im a fan of Christopher Lambert and I noticed the same thing (which I just found good ofcourse ::)).

Ron Pearlman has been good in basicly everything I've seen from him, did they give him an oscar allready?

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