MovieChat Forums > Mutant Chronicles (2008) Discussion > Had to stop watching after about 20 mins...

Had to stop watching after about 20 mins ...

Too awful,

After about 20 mins I started to fast forward (since I payed for a DVD that, luckily, I only rented) and still captured several horrible scenes.

I have seen thousands of movies and, although a few very pretty awful, I cannot recall a worse experience.

I hope this post can help whoever reads it to avoid a similar experience....

Southern Bishop


In terms of creativity, action, special effects, and cinematography it was very different and entertaining.

Sorry you lacked the patience as the story unfolded.


I gave it a chance, and i gotta say it was disappointing, it did get boring after a while cause i expected something a lot better, but it ended up just getting hopeless.
The cinematography was not bad but it wasn't anything that special.
The script is so stale and pretty much anything else stale.

"Well I'll make him an offer he can't refuse"
..........Michael Corleone


I must say I thought it had some creativity. Corporations that basically live in a fool's folly with archaic battle tactics are suddenly exposed to a new threat that they know nothing about: an enemy that never goes into shock, slows, tires, and takes a magazine of bullets to kill -- none of which they know up front. Trying to fight the quick moving enemy with small arms fighter, they don't know what hits them.

My only question, knowing nothing about the game setting, is what happened so that the earth was so backward at that time? Another world war propelled the planet into factional fighting as we came out of it? I'd like to know.



I made it to 1h20m but then had to stop. What a complete mess this movie is...


I lasted twenty three or so.

An awful lot of money spent making something cheap and tawdry looking. And a waste of a great cast.

Shame, had REALLY been looking forward to this.


Thanks that helps. And as mentioned here, a waste of a good cast tho I was
surprised to see the great John Malkovich in with some so so players.
Too often seeing one name like that draws me in thinking sleeper....
But now just figure the person's star is over their cusp and save my joy for
stronger films. JM seems to have given in to his 'dark side' from looks of
his recent and upcoming film choices. Lots of ex decent leads have gone
this route playing the quirky roles. Just not my interest.


Here's what I did and I loved the movie. Watched the first 20 minutes or so, until the mutants come out and start wasting everyone. Pretty typical stuff, but I liked how it was WWI, but not really. And, Capt. Nathan was basa$$.

Then I took the dog for a walk for about 40-45 minutes. I came back when the rescue team was in the airplane. I tell ya, for the next 45 minutes, I couldn't take my eyes of the screen. It was on cable, so I couldn't pause it -- so I wasn't able to make dinner till it was over. I missed Malkevitch, but the plot was easy enough to pick up. <eyes roll> The airplane was fantastic and the big machine with the gas jets and all, was funny but cool. Granted nothing new in the movie plotwise, but the production art and design was off the charts.


story may have sucked, but the action was decent and the steampunk stuff was very cool


Yes the steampunk stuff ruled. And inside the machine- had a Giger type rusted metal style. nice!
I thought it was kinda fun- nice gore- for a budget film was good stuff.
Would like another- i liked so don't care what anyone else thinks if honest


if this is the worst movie you've ever seen, then I wonder which "thousands" of other films you must've seen. This film was pretty decent in all categories. I was surprised since I expected less. Sure, it's solely made for entertainment purpose, and I think it quite succeeded at that (in my case at least). But well, to each their own right.


actually the post makes me want to watch it now hahaha its not "go against the grain" mentality its just when i go and watch a movie people hype up i think i expect too much and end up dissapointed, at least with negative comments you don't hold the movie in such high esteem.


I wish I'd follow your lead southernbishop. I stuck in until a little past half way through. When they were in the elevator. Then I fast forwarded to the last 5 minutes.

I had high hopes because of the cast and the general theme, I love sci fi movies.

Somehow, everything didn't come together.

No two persons ever watch the same movie.


Somehow, everything didn't come together.
Only for some people.

I really enjoyed it
