I'm in this!!!

I was one of the soldiers...I got stabbed in the face by one of the mutants...shortly after I catch a child (director's son) being thrown onto a ship...which promptly explodes...which then falls into the street and lands on me (all done through the power of editing).
I had a right old giggle doing this, met the director and his family (really nice bloke), got paid a fair bit for sitting on my arse all day, but didn't get to see anyone famous.
Being a geek, I asked about the origins of the mutants, their goals and the plot in general.....cue lots of blank stares.
It's not to be taken remotely seriously.

To me religion seems like a bunch of people talking to their imaginary friend.


Did you buy a ticket to see it, when it came out at the cinema? I've just read the box office figures - and it seems to have grossed less money than the number of credited cast and crew multiplied by the price of a typical movie ticket. Which is an impressive feat.


I didn't go to see it...I couldn't find anywhere showing it.
I bought the DVD, and just wet myself laughing....they'll be showing this on Mystery Theatre 3000 one day.
Good laugh all round, and the director is a helluva nice lad.

To me religion seems like a bunch of people talking to their imaginary friend.


Im confused, you were the one that held the kid, how were you down in the street to be crushed by the ship? Sorry for my confusion, but nice to see an interesting post among the countless cliche "worst movie ever" gripes that populate imdb ad nauseum. Im glad that you had some fun :-)



watching it on TV right now, just saw you
