You might like it if.....

Ok so I caught part of this movie on Sci Fi (or SYFY or whatever) and it rather appealed to a personal taste I have in science fiction. I've been reading the Warhammer 40k books off and on for about a year and the first battle scene made me think of that a bit. So if you are like me and you enjoy a slightly unusual and creative vision of future life, good or bad, you may like this movie. If your favorite movie is Howard's End, MC is probably not for you! If you think science fiction begins and ends with 2001 or you learned Russian just so you could watch Solaris, maybe this movie isn't for you either. I would classify this movie in as a Fun SciFi/ adventure/ horror (depending on how scarry you find zombie-mutant type things). If you liked the Resident Evil series or if you've ever gotten a kick out of anything made for the SyFy channel you'd probably like this flick. Comparing it to big budget Hollywood movies I'd say it really wasn't that bad if you give it a handicap based on the money behind it. I'm not sure what the budget for this was but I'll bet it cost less than 15 minutes of Pirates of the Carribean or the last 3 Star Wars movies and I'd say it had better acting than most of the last 3 SW movies and less plot holes than the last 2 PC movies or the Transformers movies for that matter! So if you're like me and can sit back, have a beer and watch a less than cerbral Sci Fi movie made without the budget of 3 small third world countries than I recomend Mutant Chronicles otherwise just accept that it isn't for you. Hope that was helpful.


Thank you, I have since reading your input watched it and not regretted it. Your disclaimer regarding on how to watch it (light-hearted with a drink) was very helpful.


Cool! Glad to help. Can you think of any other movies in this catagory to check out?


Some similar low budget movies that come to mind

Damnatus (wh40k movie)
Plaguers (Space zombie movie)
Lexx TV miniseries (really far out canadian sci-fi on a low budget with amazing visuals, and a killer sense of humour)
Starship Troopers 3: Marauder (I assume you've heard of the first one, but this one is just as good, and has some cool ideas)
Repo! The Genetic Opera (Similar look)

"No man is just a number"


MC was partly like watching a videogame intro (like lotr) ... but the acting was good and once you got into the atmosphere it was very enjoyable film (like lotr:))


Protest the Top 250, vote this a 10!


Very well put. Thank you! I was expecting insults being hurled by an elitist rectal vent, at anyone that likes this movie. Pleasantly surprised :)

I don't love her.. She kicked me in the face!!
