
I worked on this film and Michalina was the BEST. She is an actress but was our Associate Producer and I will work for her anytime! The cast was great and I think this is going to be a really cool film. Tom Farone is going to be a HOT DIRECTOR!!!!


I worked on it too - we were in the bar scenes shot in Saratoga... and I agree - she's wonderful, and I'd work for her anytime as well.

Chris Penn, AM Hall, and some of the other cast were all sweeties too - I had a blast on set, and Tom even bought us all a round after filming was over... lol He was fantastic, and one of the best directors I've ever worked with.


Hey, congrats to both of you on being involved in what looks to be an interesting project. Just out of curiousity did you see much/anything of Elisabeth Rohm and if so what's she like?



Aww that sucks, that wasn't the impression I had of her. Were you involved too then? Take it she wasn't overly friendly, bet she was still hot though!


Please, go to the "The Dead Zone" Message Board and tell them how it was like to meet Michael Hall and to work with him!


The TDZ fans are desperate because of the long, long time between the DZ-seasons.

An example:
Right now there is a big discussion wether or not AMH should wear a KILT for one episode and the poll result is 3:1 for the kilt!

These people need help and some AMH- insights may do.

