Not cancelled, but....

SHOULD be. Please. Give me a break, huh. this show is pathetic


oh please - there are hundreds upon hundreds of shows for you to watch if you don't like this. Let the rest of us enjoy it.





We enjoy it! If you don't like it, don't watch. Simple.


Just the fact that this crapola is even OUT there is an afront to males, intelligence, non-lame people everywhere. Please. This show is in the Wikipedia under Lame. It couldn't jump the shark, since the shark would jump it!


Dude! You care way too much about this show. Move on with your life.


Just the fact that this crapola is even OUT there is an afront to males, intelligence, non-lame people everywhere. Please. This show is in the Wikipedia under Lame. It couldn't jump the shark, since the shark would jump it!

He doth protest too much.

Vic Mackey: "God creates all men equal. Out of the womb, he starts playing favorites."


Freedom of choice is a beautiful thing.

Vic Mackey: "God creates all men equal. Out of the womb, he starts playing favorites."




david - seriously, grow up and move along. It's Okay that you don't like Lipstick Jungle...that is why television sets all across the world are filled with so many shows. Ah, so many options. Go, enjoy some of the those and allow the rest of us to enjoy Lipstick Jungle for whatever reasons.



you're special.




Okay, you've been reported and after I submitted my second one, it notified me that there have been the maximum # of reports on you. It's such a shame for someone to have so much hate in their hearts, but at least you won't have this forum to spew it at the rest of us.

No one should ever be called sad and miserable for liking a television show. There are real problems in this world. Why don't you go deal with one of those?



You can't be more than 16. I weep for the future and I wonder where your parents have gone wrong. I hope that some day you realize that Lipstick Jungle is not causing your suffering. Thanks for the Gossip Girl tip, though I've never caught an episode. Lipstick Jungle happens to be my guilty pleasure as it's about career women in their 30's/40's, so I can identify on that level.

You see davidsco27, we grown-ups with responsiblity need guilty pleasures to allow our minds to unwind from the stress of day to day life. You'll learn too, if someone doesn't murder you in a bar fight first (which looks to be highly probable based on your ability to turn a phrase). Good luck.

And please, call me stupid again. Tell me to bl*w you again or call me a loser...these are effective ways of communicating. I'm so thrilled that day after day, brave men and women are fighting for your safety so you can act like an insolent twerp on the IMDB message boards.


BRAVO rblee!!! That was so eloquently put. Loved it! Truly. :-)


:) - thank you.


woo hoo the glee and joy woo hoo!




Further demonstrating my point. Thank you.


Further demonstrating my point. Thank you.



