MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Bruce (2007) Discussion > I owe this film an apology....

I owe this film an apology....

when i first heard it was anounced i thought it would b ethe best thing since sliced bread. Im a big Bruce fan, i own a significant proportion of his movies, got both his books and am very actively searching to "bruce material" on youtube to watch of him.

Then AFTER IT SEEMED LIKE FOREVER... the trailer hit. And i thought the film would be horrible.... gash even. I ALMOST stopped paying interest towards it because i didnt want my god-like imagine of Bruce Campbell tainted. Its amazing just HOW MUCH the trailer put me off.

However... and this is a big however... i had the oportunity to watch the film last night and let me tell you... it was great. a film FOR Bruce fans. Its hater simply dont understand the man or cant understand someone poking fun at themselves. The 86 minutes flied by and actually left me wanting more. If theres a sequel.... im there and this time, i wont make the mistake of doubting Bruce.

8/10. Great film.

just hear those sleigh bells ringling, ting, ting, tingling, too


I agree with you. I was not sure I was going to watch it because of the description I read for the DVD on netflix. I gave it a chance and had a good time. I think people don't understand of how much of a parody it is. I think Bruce knows how to do a good parody, better then the guys that do date movie, epic movie, and so on.

The name is Stephen and I'm male.
Fear me, Love me, do as I say, and I'll be your slave.


I agree also. This movie was totally made for Bruce fans, and for that it was very good. It was exactly what I would expect from an entertaining, Bruce Campbell movie that doesn't take itself too seriously.

Now, to be fair, if I wasn't a Bruce Campbell fan I would not have liked it. But come on, all you have to do is read the info on the DVD box and you know what you are getting into. If I wasn't a Bruce Campbell fan I would never have bothered seeing it anyway.

Like you said, the haters here just don't get it... and the haters that claim to be Bruce Campbell fans... I don't understand. Sure you have a right to your opinion, but I don't see how they can like most of the other crap he's made and not like this.
