You Fans Are Insane!

I tried this movie out after seeing the whopping 7.9 review on IMDB. All I have to say, is that after sitting through 30 mins of cringeworthy filming, you fans have to be out of your minds! This is worse than a B movie! Acting is incompetent, the writing isn't anything to brag about, and worst of all, it had Bruce Campbell! I mean, with Bruce in the scene I expected SOME semblence of quality. This movie is just horrible! Fans GET A LIFE! Don't sit around all day masturbating to Bruce *beep* Campbell!


Unfortunately, i have to agree. The ratings on this movie is obviously a result of fans - many of those who's not even seen the movie yet. That MUST be the fact.
I've been a fan of Bruce for 20 years, but this movie was plain awful. I kinda expected it to be mediocre, but ...jesus cripes, it was BAD.

The idea sounded so good (even though the idea is a total rip-off of "Three Amigos"), but everything about this movie was just awful. The writing, the editing, the acting - huge disappointment :/. A horror icon like Bruce Campbell deserves better than this. Oh well...


I agree as well...


Same here.
Also I gave a 1 to this movie, dunno was it because this movie was so awful or because it just felt good restoring balance in the earth.


I guess I'm a fan and I liked this movie. It wasn't Army of Darkness but it was funny and worth the watch.

Why are they doing a sequel to Donnie Darko???


You obviously took the movie too seriously. The whole thing was a meticulously crafted piece of crap. It was supposed to be bad! Hell it was beyond terrible and I'll bet Bruce saw to it that it turned out just awful. This was a movie made for the fans and judging from the reviews others are giving it, I'm not the only one who thinks it delivered.


If it was SUPPOSED to be bad, then boy did it take the cake. In all honesty, the premise seemed good enough. It worked for Galaxy Quest. But the writing for this was just atrocious! If this was made FOR the fans, I would have to assume that the writers don't really LIKE the fans. Bad dialogue, worse than hammy acting, etc. I didn't mind the production (or lack of). When it comes to a good movie, I can forgive cheap special effects, etc. But man. I couldn't watch more than 30 mins of this movie. I had to turn it off.


But the acting was supposed to be hammy. The Bruce Campbell legacy is a string of bad B movies. The movie was a parody of itself. And that's where the genius comes in.


Dude. There is no genius in a bad movie. Galaxy Quest used the same plot. Except for the first time in my life, I was more excited seeing Tim Allen in a movie than Bruce Campbell. And what are you talking about "Bruce Campbell legacy is a string of bad B movies"? Bubba Ho-Tep was excellent in a Big Lebowski style narrative. Evil Dead was just mindless fun. There was nothing "fun" about this movie. There is no point watching a movie if your actors don't seem like they care about the movie. Granted, I will say that Bruce Campbell's performance was competent (based on what little I saw). Everyone around him though sucked major donkey balls.


I agree, this movie is just plain terrible. Dont give me that "it's supposed to be bad" bullsh!t, there is a difference between a fun b movie and just a plain bad one.

Some of the jokes are just terrible, I mean pissing into the bottle then giving it to Bruce and him not noticing and enjoying it. That might have made me laugh when I was 6 years old, not only is that joke bad but I have seen it in countless other movies before and that is just one small example.

Terrible movie, I'm giving it a 3/10

Well... That's just like my opinion, man.


So what B-movies do you guys like if you didn't like this one?



I hated "My name is Bruce" but loved:

Deep Rising
Resident Evil
Evil Dead 2
Chopping Mall
etc. etc. etc.

So that are tons of great B-movies out there!!


You just named two out of several dozen movies Bruce has done. The "majority" of his films are really bad Z-Grade Sci-Fi/Horror flicks. But they are all better because he is in them. He has this great charisma that just shines through in any of his roles. Even his TV roles (save the new one and the majesty that is "The Adventures of Brisco County Jr.") have all been in low budget shows.

"IMDB... where 14 year old's can pretend to be jaded 40 year old movie critics"



"I had to turn it off."

Let me get this straight -- you're complaining about a movie you stole? You downloaded the movie like a little creep and now you're bagging on it?


This movie "is" bad.. just.. feels soo good! :)

I did not even know what type of movie I was about to see. Was just searching around with nothing better to do, when I came over it.

But I knew I had found a pearl when the two geeks started discussing Campbell's movies. And when he showed up himself, I was laughing hysterically. :)

This is using every bad B-movie cliché there is, and it does it very well.
I am not sure if they use the same sound guy in every movie, but I love the exaggerated sounds they lay over everything Bruce does. Even the monster gave off really funny noises. :D

Definitely a movie we will watch many times during out forspiel parites.


TexasPsycho, let me educate you on a few things. First off, your comment has nothing to do with anything I've said. Second, and more importantly, I'm not sure if I'm supposed to be offended. Saying someone is gay does not qualify as an insult. It just means you're a homophobic retard. Remember that.



Okay TexasPsycho, since you seem to have trouble grasping the concept of "dissenting opinion," let me tell you what it means. It means that not everyone thinks the way you do. People like you give this movie full blown 10/10s and then flame anyone who bothers to even speak against it. In ironic fact, YOU are the one trolling here.

Also, just because I responded doesn't mean that I feel insulted. I just feel like I need to educate you a little. I understand that basic knowledge isn't accessible to everyone. So I thought I'd help you out a bit.

For all those who liked it. I can't say you didn't like it because obviously you did. Looking at it objectively, and not as a fan of Bruce Campbell, I can say straight that this movie was horrible. He's done better stuff. Much better.


And I can say, straight out, that this was a good film. Exactly what I expected, a fun B-movie with Bruce Campbell poking fun at B-movies. If you don't like it that's fine, but stop acting so smug. You act as though Galaxy Quest was the BEST movie ever or something. Calm down and let those who do like this movie enjoy it. If someone (such as myself) wants to rate it a 10 out of honesty then what's it to you?

And just to drive some batty - This film > The Dark Knight. :) I can't wait for it's sequel.

"I'm a lead farmer, mother****er!" - RDJ as Kirk Lazarus as Sgt. Osiris, dressed as Farmer


I don't really mind that people like it. I don't get it, but I can accept it. What I really don't like is fanboys giving this a 7/10. It screws with the minds of anyone looking at the ratings page into thinking that it's a good movie. This is just fan service. And anyone who isn't mind swiped by the image of Bruce Campbell is sure to hate it. And yeah, Galaxy Quest was a far from perfect movie. But that's just how bad this flick is.


I don't really mind that people like it. I don't get it, but I can accept it. What I really don't like is fanboys giving this a 7/10. It screws with the minds of anyone looking at the ratings page into thinking that it's a good movie. This is just fan service. And anyone who isn't mind swiped by the image of Bruce Campbell is sure to hate it. And yeah, Galaxy Quest was a far from perfect movie. But that's just how bad this flick is.



I don't really mind that people like it. I don't get it, but I can accept it. What I really don't like is fanboys giving this a 7/10.

Huh?? That makes absolutely no sense. You can love the movie but rate it based on what TonnerBell thinks of the movie and not your own opinion. Can you send me a list of all the movies you've rated so that I can make sure that I base my ratings on yours and not my own opinion?

I loved the movie and gave it a 7/10 because I enjoyed it!!!!! It wasn't the greatest thing I've seen but kept me entertained the entire time. I went ahead and bumped it up to 10/10 just for you.

I also heard a rumor of My Name Is Still Bruce which I look forward to.

You're entitled to your opinion, you stated it and I too respect others opinions whether I agree with them or not. That being said, why don't you move on to something you actually enjoy instead of continuing to argue here? You're not going to change anyones mind and you've moved to the point of being a troll.


You are all a bunch of jackass'. This movie was awesome. This is what B movies are all about.
Just don't go in to it with high expectations

"people who speak in metaphors can shampoo my crotch"


You can like a movie for personal reasons. But that doesn't make it a good movie. Dracula 3000 was more entertaining than this, for the simple fact that it is so so bad it's funny. I still wouldn't give that movie anything above a 3/10. And that's the general feeling I'm getting from you guys. You think that it's one of those movies that are soo bad that it's good. Fine enough. I think it's absolutely cringeworthy. But to each his own. Still, even given that, there is no way you can justify anything above a 4/10 from this movie.


I think you're missing the point, man. This movie isn't SUPPOSED to be a good movie, therefore; for what it was TRYING to achieve, it is a 7/10. You're looking at it as if it's supposed to be a well written, amazingly acted, blockbuster flick- but it's not. I'm a big Bruce Campbell fan, but even I can admit when one of his movies sucks (ie. Alien Apocaypse). What I'm saying is; you can't be mad if fans of his movie rated it highly because, for what it's supposed to be and because the main demographic IS Bruce Campbell fans, it simply kicks ass.


Hell yeah!

"people who speak in metaphors can shampoo my crotch"


yeahright18, I think you're the one missing the point. I can appreciate that you admit that it's a bad movie. A bad movie that is so bad, that it ends up being funny. I feel the same way about Dracula 3000. I laughed my @$$ off because it was so damn bad. But that doesn't mean I would give it a 7/10, even if they were deliberately trying to make it a laughable piece of $hit. At most, I would give it a 3/10. I still love the movie. It's so terrible that I can't help but laugh. But if you give a movie a 7/10, it implies that there's some standard. And there isn't. So the rating of this flick is a little too unfair.


Standards should vary between genre.

"people who speak in metaphors can shampoo my crotch"


No. They shouldn't. Whatever genre of movies people watch, they should expect it to be good. Especially when people give it a high rating on imdb. I almost felt completely scarred into not trusting imdb ever again because you idiot fanboys have no sense of objectivity.



Just because I call you guys idiots does not mean I'm trolling. I actually explained myself and my reasons. YOU texaspsycho, didn't even respond to my previous comments towards you. Remember when you called me a troll, and it turned out YOU were the one trolling because you couldn't think of anything remotely intelligent to say?



I didn't say that Dracula 3000 was better than this. I was just comparing the two. Did you really not read what I said? lol And you actually had to go to my page to try and think of something bad to say about one of my fav shows? Seriously, I'm not offended. I just feel sorry.

Man texaspsycho, while you could have spent this time pwning my posts on the topic, you decide to further prove yourself an idiot. My reasons sucked? Maybe you just couldn't understand them. Please dude, at least try to seem like you have a brain that's worth something. Also, I had no idea there were "rules" to being a troll. Well, I guess a true troll would know.


See the thing is, I didn't think this movie was so bad it was good, it was just good. I admitted that some of Bruce's movies were bad- hell, even HE does. I was saying that for what it is supposed to be it was good, it's one of those movies that you can't compare with Schindler's List, or Titanic. But you're right man, to each his own. I don't think there's any way I can get you to see this the way I am so I think I'll just leave it at that. It is a movie for the fans so obviously the fans will rate it high, the same way some Kevin Smith fans think Jersey Girl was good, or George Lucas fans think the 3 newest Star Wars were good. I think it's pointless to argue about this because it's just two completely different perspectives, maybe you don't agree with it being a 7/10, the same way I don't agree it deserves less. I say let by gones be by gones and let's get on with our lives!



yeahright18, thank you for that honest and civil comment. Texaspsycho could really learn a few common sense tips from you. Anyway, to each his own. I will still never understand your fascination with this movie, but I'm done pondering on it.


Another problem with the rating system is that everyone construes the numbers differently.
For instance, if I am bored throughout a movie, I will give it, usually, between a three and five. (With five, in my opinion, being a very generic movie, balancing between "above average but nothing special" and "worthless pile of putrid pus.")

If I am entertained, I will rate a movie from a six to a ten, based upon how entertained I was.

I gave this movie a six. Above average. I was entertained, but I could not forgive the problems that bothered me. (People not being properly afraid of the monster, or not showing appropriate haste to save someone, or not being sufficiently incredulous toward Bruce Campbell for being virtually flippant about the whole ordeal, even when he knew it was all real) The ending was a bit -- exasperating, in that it took one of the few truly satisfying moments of the film (they had defeated the baddy and were departing with elated relief, when suddenly the demon arose again, followed by some sorta trite happenings)

See, but I still enjoyed it. A movie is SUPPOSED TO ENTERTAIN. I don't take points away simply because of the faults, I take points away for FAULTS THAT DETRACT FROM MY ENJOYMENT.

You, on the other hand, base your rating (ostensibly) upon how "technically" good the movie is, so you would probably give the Godfather a ten, even if you hated it, whereas I would probably give the movie a low score for being boring. (Except it's not my kind of movie, so I refuse to watch it, so I will not rate it)

Anyway, since everything is so arbitrary, I believe that remarking that people cannot "justify" their ratings is pointless, except in meta conversation about such, wherein everyone is discussing freely and with relevant context.

Anyway! I have rambled.


If someone enjoys a movie for personal reasons why should they rate it based on what you think? I'm still completely failing to see a relevant point in your posts. A movie can be extremely enjoyable without considering it a classic.

Read reviews before watching, don't strictly base it on a number that's only at 100's or a few thousand. There were plenty of reviews from critics that paned the movie, so you only have yourself to blame for your "suffering".


Who gives a flying *beep* what this guy thinks? If you only watch 1/3 of a movie, your opinion is worthless. IMDB doesn't ask you how do you rate the first 30 minutes, and then ask again for each set of 30 minutes after. It's how you rate the WHOLE movie. When you finish the film, then come and pass judgement. Until then, STFU.


If I found the first 30 mins of the movie absolutely cringeworthy and punishingly unwatchable, what, in your honest opinion, makes you think anything would change in the last 60 or so extra mins? It's not like I could cringe through the whole movie, only to have a real good ending save the entire movie. No. It doesn't work like that. Hell, I was being generous when I gave it 30 mins of my time. And every minute of it was just godawful film making. Considering that, I think I gave enough time on this to form a well thought out impression. Rather than attacking me, why not actually defending why you LIKED the movie in the first place? Wouldn't that be just a wee more productive?





lol I'm starting to doubt that you've even seen the movie in the first place. You can't even tell me ONE thing about it.



See, it took you THAT long to make you seem like more than just a troll. How hard was that? BTW I have no idea why you keep bringing up The Shield.


Why are you dedicating so much of your life to a movie you thought was "cringeworthy"?

The movie was written to be a funny parody of Bruce. It's not a horror movie, it's too bad if that's what you went into it hoping for. I gave it my rating based on the entertainment I got out of it.

Have your own opinion and start discussing/reading about a movie you actually like. Why are you having such a hard time letting go of a movie you hated? I can't, for the life of me, figure out why people think SuperBad is so great but I don't spend everyday there telling people how they should rate the movie based on my own opinion.



I'm just responding to other people's comments. I'm not "dedicating" a whole lot of time into any of this. People have thoughts, questions, etc, I respond. I also respond to texaspsycho sometimes because he's so dumb that it's entertaining just to hear what he has to say next. Oh, there he goes calling me gay again. That's the rebuttal of a ten year old.

Anyway, you guys are missing the point. I totally get that this wasn't meant to be serious. I liked Hot Shots. I liked Bubba Ho-Tep. I liked Airplane. Those weren't meant to be serious, but they were cleverly written. This movie didn't have any of the qualities that make a good mind-numbing comedy flick.


It's decent - the humour was lacking and I was dying to see some chainsaw action...

It has my full respect, however, because Bruce obviously made this for his fans and any B-movie actor who does that is a cool dude in my books.

Support Ezra Levant.


I disagree with your views not on the movie but on the rating system. I found this movie very funny and entertaining because it looked like it was a parody of a B movie that was a parody of a A movie. I think it is great that Bruce Campbell has a sense of humor about himself and can do a movie like this.

This movie screams out "For the Fans of Bruce Campbell". Galaxy Quest, and other parody movies may make light of a certain type of Genre, but this movie is making fun of the actual life of Bruce Campbell, his fans, the B movie business, and adds a b movie monster to the mix.

Everyone that goes and watches a movie is not a movie critic. everyone has not gone to film school or have studied film making. Most people have certain taste in entertainment. Any rating or review is going to be based on how that individual feels about that movie. This is the reason I don't base my movie going experience on ratings or critics because they may not share my tastes or interests.

I also find that even if a movie starts slow or bad that it can get better. I would give a movie more then 30 minutes to fully judge it. This has allowed me to enjoy more movies because it does start out slow or bad.

As far as the comment 'Fans GET A LIFE! Don't sit around all day masturbating to Bruce *beep* Campbell! '
This is nothing more then an insult to the fans. You also call fans idiots, and this type of comments can be considered Trollish, or at the very least rude. You don't like it when people call you names or try to put you down but you are okay with doing it to others.

The name is Stephen and I'm male.
Fear me, Love me, do as I say, and I'll be your slave.


First of all the movie is not rubbish like you have described. Obviously you haven't seen real bad movies.
Then, *beep* off you retarded piece of s h i t.
