MovieChat Forums > My Name Is Bruce (2007) Discussion > Great film! Funny and Surprised by the n...

Great film! Funny and Surprised by the negative reviews :S

I loved every moment of this film! Massive horror and Campbell

The storyline is pretty simple but yet something different, playing himself is a nice touch. Mocking himself and his career, even his fans is quite amusing and nice to see he's not taking himself too serously.

The monster is all right, didnt blow me away but cool enough. If you're looking for scares, try a different film it's not really a horror film even though that's where I would imagine I would find it amongst that genre in a shop, it's more like a black comedy. Quite silly at times but with lots of laugh, you would probably have to be a fan of Bruce Campbell or at least horror movies to enjoy this too its full potential, i'm not sure if it would be everyone cup of tea.

The slapstick violence and cheesey one liners from Campbell with the added Ted Raimi cameos make this a great watch for the majority of horror and Campbell fans.


I wanted to like this movie so much because I am a Campbell fan, and I had hyped it up to some friends and my wife and then we watched it... It was reminiscent of something that a group of college kids would make with a $10,000 budget and post on youtube... This is 5 out of 10 at best...


I loved it. I could understand a non Bruce Campbell fan not liking it, but I am really surprised at how many of his fans think its crap.

I thought it was really funny, in a Bruce sort of way. The movie is a joke for sure, but its meant to be. Most of his movies are pretty bad, through no fault of his own, and this one owns up to that and pokes good fun at it. I don't know... I think people are taking it way too seriously.

Just seeing four Evil Dead/Evil Dead II actors together was practically enough for me to like it LoL


the film had a few good ideas but they were either brief or poorly executed. i get the low budget self-mockery. i was entirely sold on this film before hand but having seen it i cant say i was very impressed. thats not to say it was bad. it was watchable. i didnt feel like turning it off. i was never bored. i just didnt think it did its job very well. the films biggest problem is that despite all its good ideas it falls into many of the same old cliches rather quickly without doing anything funny or interesting with them (almost as if they are just filler).

there were a few laugh out loud parts, like where Bruce is shooting randomly and hits a guy in the ear or when they continue shooting Cave Alien 2 without him. its worth watching if youre a fan of Bruce and have seen more of his stuff than just the Evil Dead films. just dont expect a great film. its better than some of his more recent stuff but thats not really saying much. id like to add that i used to have that same shirt the kid wore during the films climax.
