No Xena References?

I'm disappointed.

"It's not about money.... It's about sending a Message..... Everything Burns!!!"


He had to save some ideas for the sequal. That should give you something to look forward to.

I've seen evil and I've changed my ways.

- Joxer


I don't think this will have a Sequel.

"Lois-I know who your HuSband is! Your Next!!"


It's been a while since I've seen the movie but I don't think referenced any of his TV work, could be wrong. Really got to buy this movie, sometime.


Well, there was the Brisco County costume, the Ellen comment, and the brand name of the dynamite was "Hercules". But I didn't catch any Jack of All Trades or Xena references.

I'm a big tough girl. I tie my own sandals and everything.


'brand name of the dynamite was "Hercules"

Ha! I'm going to have to look out for that bit the next time I see the movie.


I love that he played a sort of Lupin in Ancient Greece character.

"I knew it, I'm surrounded by @$$Holes"-Dark Helmet, Spaceballs
