I think they should make a sequel to the king kong game, not the movie. But Kong dies in the game, except for the bonus level, so I think they should make it more of a prequel, like a free-roam game of Skull Island as Kong. Ya know, squish some dinosaurs, take some naps, I think it would be awsome if you could take sacrafices from the Skull Islanders. I've got the perfect name for it to,

Kong: King Of Skull Island


I liked maximum_movies idea with Kong trying to survive on Skull Island and attempting to save the last of his kind. Or better yet, a friend of mine had a similar idea where near the end of the prequel, long after the rest of his kind is dead, he's alone somewhere on Skull Island--probably his home, where he hears Ann scream and then he roars back. So we kinda get a sense of the two games merging together, then the game ends and we see the ending credits with clips from THIS game that we know showing what happend after we hear Ann scream.


I'd like to see a game about Carl Denham going on another (legal and wellfunded) expedition to Skull Island and he hires sailors (for protection) and crew to go to shore with him and explore Skull Island and you are a sailor who goes with him and you try to help your buddies, etc., and there are many more NPCs in this one than there were in the last.

This is my signature. AREN'T YOU EXCITED?!


"a friend of mine had a similar idea where near the end of the prequel, long after the rest of his kind is dead, he's alone somewhere on Skull Island--probably his home, where he hears Ann scream and then he roars back. So we kinda get a sense of the two games merging together, then the game ends and we see the ending credits with clips from THIS game that we know showing what happend after we hear Ann scream."

That sounds like a great idea to me.





I like the Return To Skull Island Idea




why did those people make kongs schlong show in this game?!!!



They should make a sequel where it's in the past way before he meets Ann and you play as him and other apes too! Maybe even play as the predators or the skull natives!!


Or a zombie hot dog named "frankenfurter".
