Trying to find the name of a film featured

I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction, i'm looking for the name of a film featured in this documentary. The film is featured very briefly about 27-28 minutes or so in during the "A Safe Place To Die" segment. Prom Night and Halloween are featured just before this film if that's of any help to anyone?

The only scenes from it are a shot of some escalators, the view of a corridor (a shopping centre perhaps) and a women in a yellow top/blue jacket running around in what looks like a shopping centre/office complex.

I've tried searching Google and all the usual searchs to no avail. I don't even think the film is listed in the credits when the documentary finshes.

If anyone could help that would be great. Thanx :)


could be "The initiation" (1984), I know clips from that were shown in the movie. That's the only slasher I know of that takes place at an abandoned shopping center.


Cool, thanks so much for getting back to me, gonna see if I can find it now :)


I just doubled checked it and indeed it's "the Initiation".

The DVD is still available through Anchor Bay. I just ordered it last week even though I have the VHS. I love the movie, one of my favourites
