You know you've seen too many slasher films when...

You recognize every name on the list for this documentary.

Y'all keep this going. You know you've seen too many slasher films when *BLANK*...


There are three kinds of people in this world. The living. The dead. And The Living Dead


when you work at an office or building and scream everytime you hear a knock on the door, telling people "don't open it, it could be an escaped psychopath from the city's mental institute"


[deleted] see a screenshot of Jason and immediately know which Part it's from.

Speaking of F13, Premiere Magazine had a "guess the quote" section back in the '80s, usually with lines from "respectable" movies. Once they did an all-F13 edition, with all the lines of the "Bill! Bill! BILL!! Bill? Is that you?" dialogue. (A.J. from VIII was one, I remember.)

reply meet a new girl and automaticly check for signs of a penis enter a dark room and know better to say someone's name out load practice fake scenerio's to escape from your room only leave the house during the day, after you developed a theory that the best slashers don't attack during the day, but then your douche bag brother reminds you of "Last house on the left" and "Devil's Reject's" which later develops into a phobia of leaving the house.

Good, Bad, I'm the Guy with the Gun.


You have a routine for searching every inch of your house whenever you've been out. This way, if a killer is hiding there, you find him first (keep a weapon handy) and prevent him from waiting until you go to bed to kill you.

If you hear a noise, you never go looking for the source all by yourself through a dark house yelling, "Hello? Is anybody there? Hello?" Of COURSE someone's there, idiot.

You always check the caller i.d.when the phone rings. Be sure that it is not a number within your house. If it's an unknown cell number, it could still be in the you answer, hang up, grab a weapon and call the police. You feel dumb when they arrive and discover it's your niece's new phone three cities away...

You never babysit, go camping, drink or do drugs, get too cozy with your boyfriend or girlfriend or venture out alone at night. These lead to instant death.

You stare at everyone suspiciously because any one of them could be a killer with eighty bodies buried in his crawlspace and planning to follow you home.

For exercise, you practice running through the woods (in the daytime of course) so you will be less likely to trip and fall like they always do in the movies. You may also have a habit of carrying flashights with you everywhere (useful if you do have to run through the woods or just about anywhere else.)


You know you've seen too many slasher films when...

You're watching a horror movie with a chainsaw death and think "Now why would they use a Echo CS8000 32-inch, when the Stihl MS880 36-inch has a 40cc larger engine?"

You're watching a horror movie with a knife death and think "Why would anyone use a Calphalon Katana 8-inch instead of the Chroma 10-inch that's next to it?"


You know you've seen too many slasher films when:

You believe you have the Original weapon from the 1st movie, but it turns out to be "Made up to look good."

"Is it Following Us?" "I'm Not Lookin'."


