Where is Argento?!?

This is a good pic, but how can you start something like this with Carpenter when he admits, music and all, that Argento was the influence. Deep Red is where the modern slasher pic originated- from the flash of knives, to the creepy dolls, to the music- you just can't leave it out and hold some credibility. Even if the film was never popular in the U.S., it remains tremendously influential (and still scares the hell out of me- that Charlie McCarthy is about the scariest thing I've ever seen!). And the mom- where do you think Mrs. Vorhees came from?
Agree- disagree? I'd be interested in hearing.


I couldn't agree more. I'm a huge Argento fan and feel he should be included in a documentary on this genre (or any horror doc, for that matter). The man is a genius and shouldn't be overlooked.


Argento should have been a part of the Going to Pieces. Not just Argento, but a lot of other filmmakers.

The Giallos are very much like slasher movies. Same basic concept, but the execution of the movie is slightly different.

As an aspiring filmmaker with an idea for a slasher movie I can say a lot of Giallos have inspired me with the project.

Certain things in the story and all that comes from nor just slasher flicks, but Giallos.

But lets face it, Going to Pieces was well-done, but most of the focus was on the more mainstream.

Sure some lesser knowns played a part like The Slumber Party Massacre, but this wasn't just produced for us fans, but the average horror movie.

If you go up to your average horror fan and say this documentery is about movies like The Burning, Madman and Pieces how much interest will it get? Remember average horror fans not hardcore.

Now go up to those same people and mention films like Halloween, Friday the 13th, Elm St. and Scream you will get their interest.

Filmmakers like Fucli, Argento, Mario Bava & Sergio Martino she have been mentioned, but at least Going to Pieces did mention some lesser knowns and not put ALL the focus on the mainstream.


Fulci is one of the most overrated filmmakers EVER!!!! His films are so boring, lowbudget, and lame & tame. Im glad he wasnt mentioned.

He's pure evil. Pure power. Pure terror!-Rawhead Rex


Low budget?

Well aren't pretty much all the movies featured in Going to Pieces low budget?

As for tame. Are you kidding me????

Ok so The Beyond and City of the Living Dead aren't slasher flicks, but how the hell can you say those were tame???

They are gore flicks. New York Ripper is a Giallo, which can be seen as a slasher, while gore wise it wasn't as much as the 2 other films, it's still brutal.

The nipple cutting and the glass bottle up the twat is far from lame.

In The Beyond one gets their head pretty much blown off. A girl gets her necked ripped a part and the blood flows and flows.

It's fine you don't like Fulci, I like some of his work and hate others, but his 80s flicks well most are far, far from tame.

If they are tame I would love to see the gore flicks you watch.


They did mention Suspiria, and a few other of his films.
They were briefly mentioned, though.



yeah, it was brief but Argento was definitely mentioned
