my own horror project( you guys review it)

I ve been writing this since i was tweleve and its been changed alot over the
years so this is my final draft after six years of changing it around.


In 1972 a lonely and demented man lived in a small county in Ohio called Oakwood
his Name was Albert Rickles.Rickles was the outcast of this county he barely ever left his house and the people would always make up stories about him saying he was a cannibal and that he is a pervert(like Ed Gein). One night Al finally snaps after he was forced to walk in the freezing rain and being laughed at by cars passing by so he decides to make the famiies in his neighborhood pay who didnt even help him. So he went to five houses that had a young son around the ages of 5 or 6 drugged them and took them, before he did he would silently kill everyone else in the family so no one could report him to the police. That night though a neighbor heard the final victim scream right before Al killed her and she called the cops. The next day Police arrived at Rickles house only to find Rickles laying at the front door with his skull completely blown off but the children were never found.35 years later the story goes to Bruce Roush a widowed elderly farmer who is the only original person living in the neighborhood after the 1972 massacure living with him at the moment is his invalid son Dwayne (who got his hand removed after an incident during the Gulf War) because his wife Amy and him got into a fight a nights ago.
Its the middle of Harvest week and Bruce is having enough problems already because his daughter Miranda who is seven months pregnant out of wed lock is bringing her boyfriend Eddie along his brother Kevin his girlfriend Chelsea and Eddie's best friend Derek (who is secretly *beep* Chelsea) to help Bruce with crops since his tractor is broken. Meanwhile a young couple named Brett and his bitchy girlfriend Allison are hiking thorugh the woods not far from Bruce's farm and they stumble upon this old they go in to *beep* after they do what they Allison goes outside to make a call on her cell phone. Meanwhile Brett hears noises from underneath him he peeks under the rug and sees a cellar hatch (like the one from Evil Dead) he uses his pocket knife to unlock the pad lock and when he opens it he is immediantly pulled down by a enomormus man called Chunky Allison comes in and hears Brett screaming she gets scaried and runs off but is soon caught by Twig Boy. As the other three killers Sicky,Hatchet, and Charcoal savagely devour the young couple a little girl who was in the cellar with them runs out of the cabin and gets away.Now the girl gone the five go on hunt to kill her and anyone in the way. The film goes back to Bruces house as Miranda, Eddie,Derek,Chelsea,and Kevin arrive.Eddie is trying his best to get on Bruce's good side but Bruce still wants to rip him limb from limb for what he did but hes restraing himself for Miranda.After the movie goes on the night falls and problems brew with Derek and Kevin as Kevin catches Chelsea making out with him. Kevin and Derek get into a fight and derek beats up Kevin. After the fight Chelsea tries to come to Kevin's aid but he tells her to *beep* off and he takes off.The five first find Kevin kill him then slowly one by one they make it to the house still looking for the liitle girl. As the night goes they do everything smart killers in horror films do steal all the cell phones, drain the gas tanks, and cut the phone lines.then they find sharp objects to use as weapons. Sicky uses a piece og Glass, Hatchet uses Bretts hatchet he found in his backpack,Twig Boy is using Bretts pocket knife,Chunky is using a chain that was used on the cellar door and Charcoal is using a bicycle sprocket he stool off a bike he found in Bruces garage.The next ones to get knocked off is Chelsea then Derek who went searching for Kevin as they enter the woods they are immediatley killed by Sicky twig boy and Charcoal. Meanwhile Hatchet and Chunky stay at the farm ready to strike on Bruce Eddie Miranda and Dwayne. After a few hours pass Dwayne goes out to look for them and instead of being killed by Hatchet and Chunky he finds the little girl hiding in a car behind the garage tucked in a ball crying. Dwayne to see its his daughter Dwayne asks wheres mommy she replys she was eaten by bad men.

Thats the first two acts If you want to hear the shocking ending let me know


needs some work.......yeah...



This has real good potential. I'd actually like to work with you on a script for this. I have a LOT of questions if you wouldn't mind answering them to give me a deeper look into the movie. Also knowing the final act would be brilliant. Thanks.

In 1972, a lonely and demented man lived in a small county in Ohio called Oakwood.
What is the significance of an Ohio setting and the name Oakwood?
His name was Albert Rickles. Now Rickles was the outcast of this county as he barely ever left his house and the people would always make up stories about him, saying he was a cannibal and that he is a pervert.
What lead people to make up stories? What do you give the audience to reflect there motives?
One night Rickles finally snaps after he was forced to walk in the freezing rain and being laughed at by cars passing by so he decides to make the families in his neighbourhood pay who didn’t even help him.
Who forces him to walk in the freezing rain? Was he far out from his home? If so why? As he doesn’t leave his home that often. What provokes him into deciding he will target the families?
So he went to five houses that had a young son around the ages of 5 or 6 drugged them and took them, before he did he would silently kill everyone else in the family so no one could report him to the police.
I know the reasoning behind it comes later but what is the motive at this point for choosing the 5 or 6 young boys at the time? Why kill everyone else in the family instead of simply stealing the children? I know you say so nobody could report him but if he can silently kill the family members then he could surely silently steal a child. Either way the police would realise either a group of kids went missing or a group of families went missing or found murdered which would draw attention regardless
That night though a neighbour heard the final victim scream right before Rickles killed her and she called the cops. The next day police arrived at Rickles house only to find Rickles laying at the front door with his skull completely blown off but the children were never found.
If she called the cops that night then surely the cops would have went straight to Rickles house at the time and not wait until the next day. Although the ending of the movie hasn’t been told here, do we find the reason behind Rickles blown off head?
35 years later the story goes to Bruce Roush, a widowed elderly farmer who is the only original person living in the neighbourhood after the 1972 massacre. Living with him at the moment is his invalid son Dwayne (who had his hand removed after an incident during the Gulf War) because his wife Amy and him got into a fight a few nights ago.
What significance will Dwaynes decapitated hand have to the story? What was the fight about and why Did Amy take off presumably with his Daughter. Do we see flashbacks to show this or simply word play?
It’s the middle of Harvest week and Bruce is having enough problems already because his daughter Miranda, who is seven months pregnant out of wed lock, is bringing her boyfriend Eddie along with his brother Kevin, his girlfriend Chelsea and Eddie's best friend Derek (who is secretly *beep* Chelsea) to help Bruce with crops since his tractor is broken.
Obviously this leads to the main group of characters being introduced to the movie but is there more of a significance to the Chelsea, Eddie, Kevin love triangle than a quick route out for Kevin’s demise and a sex scene?
Meanwhile a young couple named Brett and his bitchy girlfriend Allison are hiking through the woods not far from Bruce's farm and they stumble upon this old cabin. So they go in to *beep* after they do the “deed” Allison goes outside to make a call on her cell phone.
What provokes Allison to make a call right after sex and why leave the cabin to do it? Also who does the cabin belong to?
Meanwhile Brett hears noises from underneath him he peeks under the rug and sees a cellar hatch, he uses his pocket knife to unlock the pad lock and when he opens it he is immediately pulled down by an enormous man called Chunky.
Where does the name chunky come from? How does the audience know his name is chunky?
Allison comes in and hears Brett screaming, she gets scared and runs off but is soon caught by Twig Boy.
Again where does the name Twig Boy come from and how does the audience know the name?
As the other three killers Sicky, Hatchet and Charcoal savagely devour the young couple, a little girl who was in the cellar with them runs out of the cabin and gets away.
Sicky, Hatchet and Charcoal, names come from? Audience know this how? At this time it seems the girl is out of place although I suppose the “twist” comes later, however a twist should be something more “in your face” than something out of the blue.
Now with the girl gone, the five go on the hunt to kill her and anyone in the way.
Why kill her now? Why not kill her in the first place instead of keeping her alive?
The film goes back to Bruce’s house as Miranda, Eddie, Derek, Chelsea and Kevin arrive. Eddie is trying his best to get on Bruce's good side but Bruce still wants to rip him limb from limb for what he did b he’s restraining himself for Miranda.
Why is he only upset and angry at Eddie and not his daughter? She opened her legs for Eddie.
After the movie goes on, the night falls and problems brew with Derek and Kevin as Kevin catches Chelsea making out with him. Kevin and Derek get into a fight and Derek beats up Kevin.
I like the idea that the cheated party is the one who falls victim to the cheater
After the fight Chelsea tries to come to Kevin's aid but he tells her to *beep* off and he takes off. The five first find Kevin, kill him, then slowly one by one they make it to the house still looking for the little girl
Did Kevin venture into the woods? Why go that path? How did the characters arrive in the first place? They couldn’t have walked with Miranda being Seven months pregnant. How do the “killers” know to go to Bruce’s house?
As the night goes on, they steal all the cell phones, drain the gas tanks, and cut the phone lines surrounding the house. Then they find objects to use as weapons. Sicky uses a piece of Glass, Hatchet uses Brett’s hatchet he found in his backpack, Twig Boy is using Brett’s pocket knife. Chunky is using a chain that was used on the cellar door and Charcoal is using a bicycle sprocket he stole off a bike he found in Bruce’s garage.
How do they get the cell phones? In this modern day and age most people carry their cell phones on them. Gas tanks on what? Who has cars? If nobody likes Bruce, why would he have a telephone line in the first place? Hatchet uses Brett’s Hatchet which signifies his name more but the other characters use nothing remotely similar to the character names which will make the audience wonder more about the names in the first place. Do we see Twig Boy and Hatchet take the weapons from Brett when he is murdered?
The next two to get knocked off are Chelsea and Derek who went searching for Kevin. As they enter the woods they are immediately killed by Sicky, twig boy and Charcoal.
Earlier you said the night had gone on. Why did Chelsea and Derek wait so long to go looking for Kevin? Why not go earlier. Surely if a lot of time had passed then Kevin would be a long distance away from them/
Meanwhile Hatchet and Chunky stay at the farm ready to strike on the remaining characters.
Why these two characters? Do they have more stealth than the others, if so the name “chunky” suggests he is quiet large and bulky, stealth may be a problem for him. Where do they wait? Do they have a clear view of the house?
After a few hours pass, Dwayne goes out to look for them and instead of being killed by Hatchet and Chunky, he finds the little girl hiding in a car behind the garage tucked in a ball crying. To his surprise it’s his daughter. He asks where’s Mommy to which she replies “She was eaten by bad men”.
Why does he wait a few hours also? Why doesn’t Hatchet and Chunky kill him if they have been waiting a few hours. Why do the “killers” actually wait for them at all? What lets them know they have a significant part in the little girl they are looking for? Does he hear the cries of the little girl? Is that how he finds her? If he can hear her crying why can’t Hatchet and Chunky?
