Can someone tell me what movie this is ?

Tom Savini did the makeup, and it showed a clip of a guy getting his face blown off with a shotgun. I know your first awnser might be Maniac, but I have that film. I am not sure if it was the Prowler or something eles. After the clip shows the it cuts to Tom saying " Yeah I think that was some of my best work."

Also what film is the one where a girl taking a shower gets killed with a hayfork? I am pretty sure Tom did the makeup in that one too.

Any responses will be greatly appreciated.

Funny how a ton of the movies in the documentery had makeup by Savini.


prowler does have a head exploding scene. i believe its probably what your thinking of. its also the same movie with the girl getting killed in the shower with the pitchfork.




The movie was MANIAC! Awesome movie.


No I have seen Maniac, and yes it does rock. I guess there are a lot of movies with shotgun head explosions by Savini. lol


Yes, Savini did an awesome shotgun-to-the-head gag in MANIAC, but the one your looking for is indeed THE PROWLER... and it was Farley Granger's head blowing up.



Is prowler the one where the mans head gets shot in the car?


Trust me,it's Maniac. They used to show it on IFC a lot.


ditto - the maniac car scene was inspired by the son of sam killings. tom is canoodling someone's wife in his parked car and joe spinell takes offense, killing them both. tom gets a lengthy exploding head slo-mo shot.

so, in a car with savini, maniac. trust me... part of my master's degree featured a breakdown and comparison of maniac and pieces... so i've seen each about 30 times.

ps--met tom savini a few days ago. he is greatness.

"Rampart: Squad 51."
