What movies is this???

I know it wasn't in this movie but maybe there will be some help anyways. The only parts I remember is where it takes place in a Theatre and there are a bunch of bodies on the stage. No it's not Stage Firght! Another part I remember is where there was a party going on and a phone call. I don't know maybe somebody can help?


It COULD be Curtains (1983)


SCREAM 2 ???


Popcorn...it takes place in a theater.


I am not sure if this is it but maybe it is Demons. Its a Argento film set in a theater. It was made in the 80s.


It's Demons..
Awesome film...
Go find..!! NOW!
Has loads of people running around trying to find a way out of a cinema? Sound familiar??

It didn't scare me....




Demons is only written by Dario Argento. Lamberto Bava, old maestro Mario's son, is the director.


ya, it's Argento's Demons


maybe maybe maybe it could be "the clown at midnight" ....underrated 90s slasher with margot kidder in a cameo role and christopher plummer


I own Demons and no such scene exsists. That can't be it.


Hi , there is a movie about a killer who finish a bunch of actors in a theatre. The movie is called Stage Fright (a.k.a. Aquarius, Deliria) ok and the killer wears a bird mask, maybe is it.


i think you're either thinking of Night of the Demons (not DEMONS, but NIGHT OF THE DEMONS), Fade to Black, or Popcorn.....

.....i think the party & phone call one you're thinking of is Black Christmas, or maybe Slumber Party Massacre......

"....well, GO get 'em SHERIFF!!" - Mother Firefly, The Devil's Rejects


Night of the Demons doesn't take place in a theatre.


It could be "Popcorn" or "Curtains" which both KIND OF ended like that, but keep in mind there were TWO movies called "Stagefright"--an Italian one in the late 80's which is more famous and an Australian one in the early 80's which is harder to find. "Clown at Midnight" is very decent movie, but it's also pretty recent so it doesn't seem like that would be it.


Just saw this flick, and I think I recall the scene you are speaking of. I think it may have been from "Opera," another Dario Argento flick.

And I swore I saw a clip from Demons in the film, even though that might be a little weird, considering Demons was nowhere NEAR a slasher film.

"Dear little punk-fa ggot.."
RIP Richard Jeni


Was it Movie House Massacre?

If you haven't seen it don't bother. After I finished it I threw the tape away.


Slash Dance has a similar scene. Curtains don't have a scene like that. Could be Popcorn, but doesn't sound like it. Could it be that you have 2 movies entwined into one? The phone call deal sounds like Black Christmas.

"Lookie! Built you a little fry house!''
