MovieChat Forums > Fanboys (2009) Discussion > Turgid Insult to Star Wars and Cinema

Turgid Insult to Star Wars and Cinema

Amateur writers with no experience got together and said "What's the most cliche Star Wars fanboy-related *beep* we can cram into under 2 hours?" Let's see...3rd grade storyline, PLENTY of cringeworthy dialogue, one-sided characters, Star Wars vs. Star Trek situation, typical cameos of people that made said series famous (Shatner, Williams, Fisher), typical cameos of people who love it (Kevin Smith, Jason Mewes), inclusion of Seth Rogen (which by default takes a movie's integrity down a couple notches), inclusion of attractive token's just a completely predictable mess and I didn't even watch the whole thing (don't give me crap about needing to, don't kid yourselves). When will Hollywood move the fvck on from these archaic nerd stereotypes? It's a pathetic mess to watch! I know this is supposed to be a lighthearted comedy, but can we at least go beyond the tired paradigm and do it with class?



Class? Dude, it's a comedy. Get over yourself.

It never fails, we get some righteous crackhead that doesn't feel it was authentic enough....really? Go back to WOW and let us enjoy a GREAT comedy movie. Oh wait, maybe I should dissect this a little more? Hmmmm, that would require me to become a virgin again, like "user-4458" (who can't even come up with a creative username....yeah, you are the man!).


Jesus, your ad hominems are stinking up the thread more than anything. Plays WoW? Can't think of a creative username? Seriously? If that's all you got, keep your lousy opinion to yourself. I don't want to hear it.


long version:
A great comedy movie? Don't kid yourself, I laughed maybe two or three times in the entirety of the movie, but overall it was *beep* awful. I cringed half the time and was only slightly entertained. If not for the Star Wars theme I would have turned it off within half hour. The dialogue had forced star wars quotables that were not at all improvised in a clever manner, but contrived with bad taste in humor. I couldn't stand how many opportunities were wasted with recycled, tired jokes that I've heard since elementary school. The characters were incredibly cliched, cardboard cut-outs. Not that I'm not expecting Shakespeare here but you'd think they'd have some sort of witty nod to geek/nerd culture, rather than, "oh we're all losers who live with our parents and never get laid", stereotypes. The whole Star Trek vs Star Wars thing has been irrelevant for almost two decades, and is largely not even recognized anymore. It seemed forced, like everything else in the film. The setting had an interesting premise and storyline a decent path, but all in all it was executed poorly. The actors were terrible as well, so that didn't help. Everything about the movie was so mediocre, bland and boring that I walked away without a single fond memory. As a diehard Star Wars fan, not even the pointless cameos could've save this movie. I love Han Solo as much as the next guy, but the "Nobody calls Han Solo a bitch!" joke was just so, *beep* lame.

tl;dr version:
I did like the part when they were tripping on peyote, that was clever with the whole nod to the SW intro, I had a good laugh. Other than that scene, it was whatever. I can't really say anything stood out all that much. It was a decent flick at best, and that's from a highly optimistic perspective. All in all, I didn't like it the least bit. It wasn't funny to me. Even if the film isn't meant to be all high quality (which was obvious), the joke content should make up for it at the very least. Didn't do it for me though. It was bland, corny, cliche and a waste of time.


even your tl;dr was tl so i dr

Noah's Ark is a problem.



I pretty much agree... I mean, it wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen, and it had its fair share of stereotypes, but I think what it suffered from most of all was an unfunny screenplay. Most comedies of this caliber usually make you laugh every two minutes at least... I think I may have laughed three times during the whole film and they were stunted laughs at that.

Overall, despite all the mess it took to finally release this film, I'm not sure it was even worth it.


Some of us love the movie and think it was absolutely worth it.
there will be snark


He Deb, been a while. Well, a LONG while ;-). Anyhoo, right with ya as always, funny watched it again just yesterday on Blu Ray.

I still love it, always will, I know it's not what it could have been (you and I know why, as do many others). But as I've said countless times before, between this and nothing, I'll take this. That is of course, until that day where Kyle breaks out the big guns and gives us his master cut!

Hey, I can dream...

"Life moves pretty fast! If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it!"



Micheal Bay.... Nuff said

Have to watch:
Black Swan
The Fighter
True Grit


Ok, I can agree with you there. A stellar example of a turgid insult to cinema in general.


Show me on the doll where the bad movie touched you.

Whale oil beef hooked


Priceless, Major!
there will be snark


Ha ha- that is the funniest comment I've ever read on here! Genius


Can someone tell Pretentious McFilmstudent that Kubrick doesn't have to spearhead every film? Thanks.

"He sees himself as the lord of misrule, and the world a theatre of the absurd."


Um, what exactly are you trying to accomplish with the Kubrick remark? Implying that I worship him because I think this mess of a movie is bankrupt of cinematic value? C'mon, man. I hate trolls as much as the next person but I try to leave out the retard remarks when posting on these forums because I find it fun when a decent thread is drawn out and filled with a myriad of opinions. Granted, cursing profusely as I did in the OP, that I would be seen as a troll but I'd actually like to know what other people think of the movie. As you can probably tell, my angle approaching it was decidedly cynical as I can't stand (poorly made) cashgrabs like these.

Now, let's quit the off-topic nonsense and focus attention to the movie.

Also, I'm quite flattered you think of me as a film student when that couldn't be further from the truth (computer science student actually)! I just like to delve into movies a bit more and be able to have an opinion beyond "Oh, x movie was good/all right/sucked" like the majority of moviegoers.


"Cashgrab"? WTF? Exactly how was this very small, barely-released little flick a cashgrab? Yes, you're cynical. You're also completely full of crap.
there will be snark


wt is token attractive girl

listen to the receiving end of sirens.


I suppose you can do better?

If you went into it expecting any substance, you're an idiot.

Half the world tries to be the other half.


Not substance, original entertainment, which this movie sorely lacked... I think the only people who really liked this film a lot are (drumroll) Star Wars fans! Big surprise, huh? It has nothing to do with the merit of the movie, just that it makes tons of references to Star Wars... so yeah, you're cinematically blind Star Wars fanatics. Take that home. Chew it.


I love it when people over-generalize because that's all they know how to do. I couldn't give a crap about Star Wars. I've only seen the original trilogy and have no interest in seeing the rest. I love this little movie. It has heart. The cast is wonderful. And I think it's pretty dang funny.

I'm not the only one either. I have friends all over the world who also love the movie even though they're not big Star Wars nerds. They can see that Fanboys is an homage to all kinds of fandom. Besides if you like pop culture in general and science fiction/fantasy in particular, you get the vast majority of the jokes.
there will be snark


Uhm nope, not a star wars fan. Star Trek fan here in fact, so I'm pretty sure I didn't get a lot of the references (though I did get some) and I still thought this film was pretty damn funny. But then I didn't expect it to be a great cinematic achievement, I expected a light hearted comedy. Which is exactly what I got.


I'm a Star Wars fan and thought this movie was awful.


I love this idiotic statement, "And you can do better?". Excuse me but as a computer scientist I don't think it's his JOB to direct movies. He's a moviegoer such as myself therefore his career doesn't entail directing or creating movies, or scriptwriting, or whathaveyou. With that being said, we don't need to be in the industry to understand when something sucks or if something isn't very good. When you go out to eat at a restaurant and don't like a particular dish or platter, you don't see the waiter/waitress respond by saying, "Oh, so you can do better? If it sucks so bad, then why don't you do it?".

See what I mean? It doesn't make any sense. It's not our job to make it better, but as paying customers it is our job to pass proper judgement and give a reasonable opinion.


...we don't need to be in the industry to understand when something sucks or if something isn't very good.

- "It doesn't take a great actor to recognize a bad one."

- Jason Nesmith / Commander Peter Quincy Taggert (Tim Allen in Galaxy Quest, arguably a superior Star Trek homage)

This movie was fun, amusing, worth a watch. But Qalaxy Quest did the fanboy/homage thing better. I guess Star Trek beats Star Wars once again...


Never give up! Never surrender!


"If you love Jesus Christ and are 100% proud of it copy this and make it your signature!"


4458, if you'd just update your credit card, you can get that Netflix account going again and return to your Fellini films.

Take a breath and relax a bit! Geesh!

Open the pod bay doors, Hal.


Hahaha, this thread is hilarious for two reasons.

1. It's wrong.

2. The Big Bang Theory seems to play on the points mentioned to fantastic effect. It's certainly picked up a massive following so must be doing something right.
