'What if it sucks?'

Best last line of a movie ever...mostly cause it's true!

"It looks a bit sweaty in there so you may need to apply baby powder" Zapp Brannigan


The best line is:

Dude! How did you score all this?

I'm William Shatner. I can score anything.

"There's a midnight screening of The Rocky Horror on Friday."
"I don't like boxing movies..."


What about Jeri Ryan's panties?

I didn't like the Godfather, so what?


Last line of the movie was a fail.

"That wasn't flying, that was........falling with style"



If you really love Star Wars - you must hate the PT.

My Indy-Collection.


Yeah, but SEEING Kristen Bell's butt as she mooned out the back window was well worth it, too.


You got excited about a stunt butt, sorry.
there will be snark


A man stunt butt too


I wonder if that line was in the cut of the movie they screened for George Lucas...

It's always funny until someone gets hurt and then it's just hilarious!


Yes, it was. It was in the original script and every cut of the movie. Despite what most people seem to think, he does have a sense of humor. And he loved Fanboys.
Let me tell you a little story. You're an idiot!


That line saved the movie. Because the whole film would have fallen apart if they made it seem like the Phantom Menace was good.


Dear God... Shut up already. Phantom Menace was a good Star Wars movie.

I'm so sick of prequel hate. They are just as fun, cheesy and poorly acted as the originals.

And don't try to tell me that the acting was good in the originals...

And the fact that 1-3 has touched the hearts of so many kids goes to show that it did exactly what the originals did. Star Wars has never sucked.



Phantom Menace was a good Star Wars movie.

No. It wasn't.



My only real issue is that they never came out and directly said it.


Because whether or not the movie sucked is not the point of Fanboys. And Kyle Newman actually loves the prequels despite their flaws. That's why they don't come right out and say it. It's better the way they left it.
Let me tell you a little story. You're an idiot!


I think you´ve hit the spot. Whether it sucked or not, was irrelevant. The point of the movie was about being there for friends.

I´m actually surprise they included that line at all. But I guess they did it for two reasons:

1. Whether you liked the movie or not, it is clear that the movie disappointed most fans and the public.

2. Just because you are a fan of a franchise (or actor or director), it doesn´t mean you have to like every new installment. You can be a fan and not worship everything that comes out.

This kinda reflects what has happened to a lot of franchises like Terminator and Indiana Jones. Fans have usually been the most critical of these movies.


My balls need worshiping. Now bow to my balls!


It's funny because love, hate, mildly enjoy, whatever the movies simply didn't live up to expectations. Even if you like them, there's no getting around that.

Now if you want to talk about whether they suck or not, I think TPM is actually better than it was thought to be back in 99. Especially after AOTC came out. Flawed, yes, but really not all that bad.


lol yep! >< (i just wanted 2 comment in something about this movie because it's one of my favorites. it's so funny)<3 star wars!

Is all that we see or seem but a dream within a dream? -Edgar Allan Poe


OK first of all, I love Fanboys, and I laughed at that last line.
But it was kind of mean.
For me and I guess for a lot of younger fans, it was the Phantom Menace that really got us into Star Wars, simply because it started the Star Wars hype again (even though we'd probably seen the old films before).
I understand that there are stupid parts in the Phantom Menace and in the other new films, like the cheesy love scenes in Ep. II, and basically anything that Jar Jar says. But on the other hand, I've got to say that not all of the dialogues in the old films were pure brilliance either... And Phantom menace had one of the best light saber duels (THE best one, if you ask me), Darth Maul was just a kickass villain!
I love all the Star Wars films, some parts more, some parts less, but I don't judge them individually. I see Star Wars as a universe of places and characters from different films and books (and yes, even stuff that we made up ourselves). That's the beauty of it!


I thought the line was great because they went through that huge adventure with not a single doubt about how the movie would be. They just wanted to experience it. Hell, seeing Star Wars in a regular theatre is an experience like no other movie IMO.

It summed up the movie really well, it didn't matter if it sucked or not. And eventhough he asks the question, it still doesn't matter.



The experience is key! I was a 17 year old working at a movie theater when this came out. I worked the night of the premiere and our managers let us leave after concessions were bought without cleaning so we could watch also. The spectacle of people lining up a week in advance was insane. What a fun week. Cleaning the concession stand at 3 in the morning was a drag, but well worth it, even if the movie didn't live up to most of our expectations.

Oh, Indeed!


The experience was the most important thing for me regarding The Phantom Menace. I loved Fanboys, and I liked the SW prequels for the most part. Not the biggest fan of Episode II - it could have been so much better but it was pretty flat IMO. I am considerably older but I enjoy movies for the escapism factor. Back in 1999, I was just turned 30 when TPM came out and although there were the annoying parts, it was still a fun movie and above all, it was a Star Wars movie. Best lightsaber duel of any movie. Period... and Liam Neeson and Ewan MacGregor are really good in their respective parts. Nobody is going to convince me that the acting in the first Star Wars movie was anything spectacular.

Also, I think that TPM succeeded in doing what many Star Wars fans thought was impossible - it created a new, mysterious character in Darth Maul. Boba Fett had that "cool unknown mystique" since the original franchise. Darth Maul brought that back and it was pretty cool.

"When the fox hears the rabbit scream he comes a-runnin'... but not to help."


I'm the biggest Star Wars fan I know, I was 18 when TPM came out (perfect age), I was more than excited for the movie. I even made excuses for its weaknesses because I'm a SW fan.

But do yourself a favor, and watch this: http://redlettermedia.com/plinkett/star-wars/star-wars-episode-1-the-phantom-menace/



Excellent post. The Fandom is more than just the movies. I read part of a Boba Fett book while at a former friends house and was enthralled at how well crafted it was. Boba Fett was fighting off IG-88 to claim a bounty and it was interesting that IG-88 was described more as a Hive Mind A.I. that had many models of IG-88 operating simultaneously. Uploading pertinent info back to the main A.I. as necessary. Something you didnt glean from the movies! Never look at that robot the same in The Empire Strikes Back, I tell you what!

Also, Darth Maul had very little screen time yet left a lasting impression on many people! He was like the new "Boba Fett". As he had little to no dialogue, wasnt in the film that much really, yet became a fan favorite xD

I thought Fanboys was a decent enough film. I finally watched it last year for the first time and it entertained me! Was a truly heart warming moment when their friend with cancer sees the movies opening and just smiles this warm smile. He truly appreciated being able to see some new star wars before he passed away


That line was one of my favorite parts of the movie. I remember walking out of the theater with my friends after watching TPM on opening night, all of us scratching our heads and looking at each other, with the same thought on our mind, "It kind of was a Star Wars movie, and it kinda wasn't." Over all it did not live up to expectations, but I did go back and see it a few more times that summer and came to love it. Over a decade later, I cannot sustain the same enthusiasm for the prequels that I have for the Original Trilogy, but one of my fondest memories, and hence, the reason I enjoyed Fanboys, is of the comraderie with my friends of anticipating the first new Star Wars movie since we were kids. Like a previous poster commented, it was all about the event, and that can never be duplicated.


That line was one of my favorite parts of the movie. I remember walking out of the theater with my friends after watching TPM on opening night, all of us scratching our heads and looking at each other, with the same thought on our mind, "It kind of was a Star Wars movie, and it kinda wasn't." Over all it did not live up to expectations, but I did go back and see it a few more times that summer and came to love it. Over a decade later, I cannot sustain the same enthusiasm for the prequels that I have for the Original Trilogy, but one of my fondest memories, and hence, the reason I enjoyed Fanboys, is of the comraderie with my friends of anticipating the first new Star Wars movie since we were kids. Like a previous poster commented, it was all about the event, and that can never be duplicated.

Same here!
