Mary Sue

kristen bell's character's name may as well have been mary sue. she's pretty! she works in a comic store! she's a star wars geek! she plays zelda! she moons out the back of vans! she wears the leia bikini!


You don't know what a Mary Sue is you dumb ass virgin loser.


hmm. actually i do. but because you clearly don't, i'll do your homework for you, troll. here's the first 2 sentences of the wikipedia entry for mary sue, you chode:
"A Mary Sue is an idealized and seemingly perfect fictional character, a young or low-rank person who saves the day through unrealistic abilities. Often this character is recognized as an author insert or wish-fulfillment."
that fits her character to a tee, you schumck, especially in what is essentially a fan fiction movie.

now that i've established how wrong you are, you human vomit, and how right i am, let's look at the other assertions you make:
--dumb ass: i am correct in what i wrote in my post. you are not. hence you are the dumb ass.
--virgin: i'm married with 2 kids. i don't know your status, but i think we all can speculate with close accuracy that if you're not a virgin, which is a very big if, it only has been with inanimate objects, the occasional family pet, and/or that ugly chick in your town who will do anyone.
--loser: i made a post criticizing a character in a subpar movie. you made a lame post criticizing that post while offering no actual substance. ergo, you are the loser.

thank you for your time.


So what exactly did she do that saved the day using "unrealistic abilities?"

She's an unlikely character (not impossible because I personally know a handful of hot girls that are legit geeks) but no Mary Sue. She doesn't use any knid of unrealistic ability to save the group, she bailed them out of jail. What's so unrealistic about that?

A Mary Sue would be someone like Rey in the new Force Awakens film in which she seemingly has abilities out of nowhere, like knowing how to fly the Millenium Falcon as well as fix it, Jedi lightsaber skills with no previous training, etc. skills which she DOES use to save the day.


Two things: A Mary-Sue is what an author wishes to be, and in the hands of a 12-year-old fan fiction writer, the wishes can be pretty unrealistic and embarrassing. In the hands of a real talent, the same impulse can lead to the creation of a James Bond, a Luke Skywalker, or a Phryne Fisher; they are what their creator wishes they could be, but they are so well realized that they become the fulfillment of some universal wish to be more than we are.

And Kristen Bell's character is not a Mary Sue, she's a fairly realistic female geek. If she's slightly more in touch with reality and practicalities than the male geek, then IMHO that's true to life. Although having her be in love with an unattractive nerd rather than thinking of him as a friend... well, maybe there IS a bit of wish fulfillment going on.

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