
Does anyone know,who will play the roles?


If you look up DARK WORLD 2006 - IMDb - you will see all cast members and the actors portraying them. good luck!


Thanks for the advice.If you look at the date,when I sent my message,you would see,that it's 5 months ago and in December no cast was added!


Ladies and gentlemen, I give you two posts:


Board: Jim Donald Ellis
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why doesn't someone discover and promote him?
by TommySSS (Mon Dec 24 2007 03:43:16) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

He seems to have something to offer, and is very good
See his reel.

2. 8810431

Re: Appearing with PD Show cast and Barbara Parkins at show in Burbank
by TommySSS (Sat May 17 2008 06:50:48) Ignore this User | Report Abuse

UPDATED Sat May 17 2008 06:52:46

"I don't know what your problem with Ms. Duke is. You seem to be a typical male who is skeptical and

hateful of a warm, talented woman like Ms. Duke just because she is a female. How can you insult

her...she won an Oscar and what, may I ask, have you accomplished that you can insult her like this? I'm

sorry for you. So she's stumbled a bit, much like our beloved Barbaro, she will fight on until the bitter

end! I'm crying right now, I'm so emotional. Please leave Patty alone!!!"


You are over-analyzing Brock and his "motives".
It it not about being a "typical male", or female.
He just doesn't like Patty and is mocking her. We all do not like certain actors--but we don't post ads

on imdb message boards.

Of course Patty is all you said, but don't get emotional and cry. Brock is getting a reaction out of you

that he wants.

It doesn't mean anything..

~~~~jimellis AKA Tommysss

Imagine that! TommySSS, aka Jim Ellis, is posting a fan message on Jim's board!!! Jim, you're talking to yourself again!
