Why Boycott??

I didn't hear anyone boycott the assasination of jesse james!


people get oversensitive when it is about someone that is close to their heart
all i can say is don't watch it
Christ they even made a movie about 911.... not that long after it happened!
Talking about or showing a reenactment of it won't erase it from history- everyone already knows about it anyways
All this does it educate people a bit and "explore the failure of humanity" as Jared says
People are afraid of anything real
Plus it's an incredible movie!


Chapman killed Lennon to become famous. To watch this movie is to grant a man who destroyed a creative genius his fondest desire. So go ahead and support killers if you will. I certainly won't.


it's silly...i'm a huge fan of the beatles, but Lennon has been dead for 28 years..Getting this film not released would only hurt Jared Leto who put a great deal into it..not that i'm a big fan of his, but the dude almost killed himself to make this movie.



Almost killed himself? He ate some pizza and loved life.


Okay, shows how much some people know about the dangers of rapidly gaining weight. Leto was in a wheel chair after he finished this film.


what a chicken *beep* pussy


*gives banana*

Run along, troll, run along. Nobody wants you here.


is it really supporting the killer or remembering why such a man as Chapman is a disgusting disgrace?

movies need to be made with the mistakes of bad people. films had to be made with people such as Hitler, ie Downfall, to understand and get a glimpse of the person and learn how to not make the same mistakes. the man is human, has his faults for sure, but its no man is pure evil - just mislead and sometimes terribly so. take the Zodiac (David Fincher version), it makes him look dumb, petty and pathetic. the other version on the other hand, besides not knowing the history & facts very well, misses this point and i would say is not a film to be adorned by any standard.

i would be going to see this movie NOT to admire Chapman, i'd be going to honor Lennon and as a reminder as to how we should help troubled individuals so that incidents like this never happens again.

its not to say the movie couldn't be in bad taste and could somehow make Chapman seem like some sort of anti-hero, but i rather doubt that would be the case.

its not good just ignoring it and brushing it off. its history, like it or not. history should never be brushed over.


"i would be going to see this movie NOT to admire Chapman, i'd be going to honor Lennon and as a reminder as to how we should help troubled individuals so that incidents like this never happens again."



MDC got his wish the moment he pulled the trigger. This movie will not diminish nor expand his notoriety. Do people honestly believe that if you simply refrain from uttering the name Mark David Chapman, that he will just disappear from our collective conscience? Please....

Now if MDC or his family were making any profit from this film, then I would definitely boycott this movie. If not, you pro-boycotting folks may have your hearts in the right place, but I be damned if I kind see the sense of it all.


You should go into your history of film book...Bonnie and Clyde, Jesse James, and tons of other movies....were about real people who killed people....THE ONION FIELDS....not too mention MLK...JFK....RFK movies.


That's exactly the answer. The point isn't that people have gotten over John Lennon's murder...although they haven't because it can be hard to get over the death of someone who appears living so often in your life (as he would to Beatlemaniacs or Lennon fans). The point is that this man killed him for no reason other than to be "the guy who killed John Lennon." Validating his desire to be that guy in movies--movies which keep getting made time and time again--is granting him his wish, as opposed to John Lennon's, and uh, last time I checked, John Lennon was an advocate of the peace movement, and Mark David Chapman was a murderer, soooo...pretty strange that the one whose desires to which this movie caters is the murderer. Not to mention, of course, that it's already been done...two previous times? That I know of.

As if it wasn't bad enough as it is, they try to paint him into this totally sympathetic character. It's reasonable from the standpoint that you can't really make a successful movie with a hateable main character (although...every now and then someone who's so spectacular at what he does will come along and change that...Daniel Day-Lewis, for example), but what this man did cannot be justified. He killed someone so he could become famous; furthermore, he killed someone that mattered, and still matters, a lot, to a lot of people. He killed a lot more than just John Lennon that day.

"In the immortal words of The Doors, 'The time to hesitate is through.'" - Lucas


this movie didn't make Chapman anymore "famous" than he already was, i mean lets face it you can't kill someone as famous as John Lennon and just disappear and have no one remember you, i mean John Lennon is more famous than every celebrity and all the world leaders combined.


what does this have to do with the assassination of jesse james?


Jesse James was as famous as John Lennon in the late 1800s.


are you comparing John Lennon (a pacifist) to jesse james (a criminal and a murder)?


boycott it? some of you people make me laugh. did we boycott zodiac? or do we only boycott films based onm murderers of famous people? are you saying that a famous persons life is worth more than a normal persons?

You people make me laugh again and again


Is the Jesse James - John Lennon comparison any more off base than the die-hard Lennon fans who want Chapman to fry?


John Lennon - a pacifist? The man was no angel - he was a junkie and a wife beater! God it really pisses me off how people make him out to be holier than thou!
Read the truth about him - not the *beep* Yoko feeds you.
As for boycotting this film, I've never heard of anything so utterly ridiculous. It's a FILM!!! Do Jewish or German people boycott war films?


That's the appeal of Lennon: he was a real person and he didn't hide it. He wasn't an angel and those who think that, and admire him, are under some biazarre dilusion. He could be the most generous person in the world, then a total prat. He was a man of constant juxtapositions and that made him all the more idenitfiable.

And beating his wife? From what I've read he did that when he was young and stupid, atoned greatly and time and time again. Now verbally beating...that might be different.

An above poster was spot on about Chapman: he killed Lennon to be famous. It's not some sensitivity thing (well it is, but that's not the larger issue) or a denial of it; it's an effort to deprive someone of something they shouldn't need. That, I think, is worse than frying him.

This film is trying to do something totally different -- when you look at Holocaust films, take Schindler's List for example, yes, we have these horrid occurances, but the story's really about people overcoming, the generosity of some people who helped save many more, whereas with this, it sounds like we're recieving a basic look at a homicial maniac so comparing this with the Jewish and German people is asinine, ridculous, ignorant, and above all stupid.

It's okay if this world had a billion saviors; there's so many things to be saved.


As it is illegal to display a Nazi swastika in Germany, probably any war film with a (female) swastika wouldn't get a wide airing. Recently a waxwork display with a replica of Hitler was boycotted in Germany.

I would also imagine that many films about Hitler would be boycotted by Jewish people.


You folks really don't get it, do you? Jesse James and terrorists who attacked the US didn't do it to become famous under the media spotlight. This person killed Lennon for that precise reason. And guess what? Your 'who cares' attitude is more or less what he predicted: that people would flock around the fascination of what makes a murderer tick. And he was right, because you're ready to pay your money to see a movie about him. YOU'RE the very reason he murdered Lennon. It's sad that his warped view of people's apathy/celebrity is right on target. See it or don't see it, whatever your conscience tells you to do. But at least understand that some of us have scruples.


I'm glad at least some people get it.

Even though I admire Leto as an actor and would love to see him perform in this movie, I'm not going to fulfill the wish of this guy (his name should never be mentioned) who killed one of my childhood heroes (yes, despite his many flaws; at least Lennon tried to make a real difference, unlike his critics on internet forums). The only fitting punishment for someone who kills to become famous is to be ignored; if possible his name should be removed from every record.


He set out to murder Lennon to become famous, he succeeded. Watching a movie about murder (whether fictional or not) is not condoning murder, nor is it supporting the murderer. Whether or not you choose to believe it, not everyone has such a fragile bubble-world that is shattered every time an undeniably evil person calls it how it is, or how it will be. Boycott it if you will, but let's analyze the situation here, I don't know you, you don't know me. YOU blaming ME for John Lennon's death is like me blaming YOU for George Bush. Your logic, not mine.

I have my scruples and I was fascinated with this movie.


Some of these people are just as sick as Chapman. Putting Lennon on some kind of pedestal and ignoring a film, just because you love his music? That's pathetic, and was the entire point of the film. Oh wait, you wouldn't know that because you're fighting an internal struggle to not watch an independent film that actually honored John Lennon at the end.

A Clockwork Orange is the greatest film ever.


I am probably as big a John Lennon fan as you will ever find, but I thought the people who got uppity about this movie needed to really get a life. Like it or not, John is a major 20th century pop culture icon. Movies and books are going to be made that deal with his life. With life comes death. How is this movie any different than, say, constantly showing the Zapruder film on television? I think Lennon's fanboys (and again, I will fully admit that I am one of the biggest fanboys of Lennon ever) need to just relax.

That being said, I did see in a YouTube clip (seen here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j02zKq2Z0dg) where Sean says, quote, "I think it's a tacky thing to make a film about, sure." I feel so incredibly bad for him and I know that this is only bringing up bad memories, but again it's like I said. His dad was an influential (and that's an understatement) figure in recent history and naturally films will be made.

That being said, I agree with you.


I took a beatles class and my teacher was telling me the assassination of John Lennon is like taboo talk. We don't talk about the man who killed him because his reasoning was to get instant recognition and become famous over night. So boycotting the film is basically helping this theory of not letting the man who killed John get famous.


I'm not saying that people who will willingly watch this movie are hereby condoning murder. That makes no sense. If that's the case, you could say that about fans of CSI and Law and Order and stuff- namely, a lot of people.

But I wouldn't watch this movie because there's no reason to give Chapman the satisfaction. These producers and directors and writers are so goddamn stupid to even think about making this movie. True Lennon fans everywhere are probably gagging at the thought of doing exactly what Mark David Chapman wanted.
Didn't he do enough by murdering Lennon in the first place?

It just makes me sick sometimes.
So does Jared Leto, by the way- who is the saddest excuse for an artist (or even a human, for that matter...) that I've ever had the misfortune of being subjected to.

Billie Joe Armstrong: That was good explaining, Bill Schneider. You're a good 'splainer.


It just makes me sick sometimes.
So does Jared Leto, by the way- who is the saddest excuse for an artist (or even a human, for that matter...) that I've ever had the misfortune of being subjected to.

Wow, how Chapmanesque of you; honestly, that's a completely psychotic thing to write.




lol....they should boycott the election!!!At least this movie is based on fact and not made up as you go...


i just wanted to point out (as i havent noticed anyone else doing so) that Mark Chapman, nor anyone connected to him had anything to do with this movie being made so boycotting it by not purchasing it, hiring it etc only hurts the people that made the movie, who obviously arent murderers. i think the logic that supporting the movie means you are supporting the act is ridiculous. to those of you who believe this i ask, do you not watch the news, read newspapers, study text books and history books? nothing will ever deminish Mark Chapmans notoriety. the sad fact is, as long as John Lennon is remembered so will chapman.


personally I don't think the film being made should be too offensive to Lennon fans such as myself, but I can see where it would be insensitive when it comes to the likes of Yoko Ono, Sean Lennon, Julian, mccartney, etc. and others who actually knew him. Try telling them not to put Lennon on a pedestal. I would love to see the response.


You folks are too hard on Chapman. He was just a weak minded easily manipulated assassin by the powers that be. The blame should be placed on those who mind controlled him. Have you all heard of MK-ULTRA? Google it.

Think about it. Chapman had no motive. If he wanted to become famous, why didn't he shoot someone else that was evil and not a threat to the powers that be?

Isn't it just too convenient that only figures who are a threat to the establishment taken out by lone nut assassins? How come lone nuts never take out evil people instead? It's happened way too many times.

Remember JFK, RFK and MLK too. All were big threats to the powers that be. You need to connect the dots.

When you look deeper, the more you realize that all is not what it seems. When it comes to lone nut assassinations, there tends to be a direct correlation between the amount of time one researches them and the likelihood that one sees a conspiracy and cover up involved.

This freethinker makes some good points about the Lennon assassination:


A short documentary that takes a critical look at the assassination:


A great discussion on the Lennon assassination conspiracy on the Jim Fetzer radio show:



You fool, John Lennon is still alive.
