MovieChat Forums > Last Exit (2006) Discussion > How Did Beth Get Cut Off On The Highway?

How Did Beth Get Cut Off On The Highway?

I've watched the scene over and over and I'm still not sure how Beth missed her early morning exit. As I see it she seemed to be in the lane that would have exited where she was supposed to. How did Diana's cutting in front of her cause Beth to not be in the correct lane? The possibility that I discerned was that the SUV's sudden appearance startled her and, in combination with Beth's paying too much attention to her coffee mug, which she may have just dropped at that point, caused her to turn her wheel to the left, possibly making her accidentally hit her accelerator, to send her in the wrong direction. If that were the case then wouldn't that be partly Beth's fault, too, for not just remaining in her lane and holding her own? I've never, in over 30 years of driving, had another car force me out of my lane. There have been times when other cars butt in front of me, like Diana's did to Beth's, but none ever startled me to the point that I turned the wheel, went out of my lane, and ended up having to drive off course. What really happened out there?


Just use suspension of disbelief and pretend it's obvious why :)
I never noticed that myself, just go with it.


didnt it catch her off guard when diana cut her off she almost spilled her drink which made her veered to the left and when she noticed it was too late...


I think that it was due to that somewhat, but I reviewed the video the other day and also noticed that the car behind her blasted its horn during it all, causing Beth further disturbance. Either way, Beth would have to take some responsibility for that incident. In the same way that Benji got injured when she was trying to adjust the air conditioner, Beth also shouldn't have been worrying about her coffee cup at that moment. She had a habit of paying attention to trivial things while driving. Coffee cups and air conditioning shouldn't take priority over paying attention to what's going on on the road.


I agree with that totally....why the heck was she drinking coffee and was trying to get it cool enough in the car? If I was burning up, the last thing I would drink is coffee.


Maybe it was iced coffee, I dunno.


I had a friend who took her eyes off the road for a split second while she reached into the glove compartment. She lost control of her car, spun around, and ran off the road. She was seriously injured and missed two months of work. All it took was a split second of focusing on something else.
