AWFUL Camera work

Too bad the director John Fawcett doesn't have a clue that people are tired of jerky, dizzying camera movements, it RUINED the movie. Use the ability of the actors to capture the frenetic plot of the movie, not frenetic camera movements.

When are directors going to stop using this short-changed, short-cut strobe effect of filming, it's a cop out to true camera work and an insult to audiences...I want to see a MOVIE, not a series of helter skelter images spliced together that do nothing but distract and cause a headache....get a competent cameraman or director, this isn't the "Dawn of the Dead" remake.


I agree with you a lot. Especially in the night in the rain at the accident when the cops arrived, the camera work was really shaky-it was really annoying.I'm noticing a lot of people doing that now, like in United 93-I hate that kind of camera shaky stuff.


Me too.. I am watching it now and I feel like a bobblehead trying to watch it.
My five year old holds a camera better. I know its for effect but wow. HOLD STILL A SEC!


I agree. This is just horrible. Even on simple parts that you can tell aren't leading up to anything big, it's making me tired of watching it!

Sam:"To him[Leo]?! To be a whore to a gutter rat?!"
Kate:"I'd rather be his whore than your wife."


The movie would have been so much more enjoyable if it was shot normally. I guess the director used that method just to emphasize how tense the situations were.
