does anybody knows who is the burglar that they kill and who is watching them kill him??????

and i understand that bill the owner of the club had an affair with lori heuring and wanted to kill jonathan schaesch

has anyone understand clearly this movie can help me?????


The burglar was a hitman/felon named Vaslos. Bill hired him to kill Aaron (the main character) because he was in love with Aaron's wife (Jan), but she wouldn't leave Aaron to be with him.

Vaslos was supposed to wait inside Aaron's house and kill him after the poker game, but one of Aaron's friends discovered him first, screamed, and changed the outcome.

The person watching was Vaslos's cousin and partner-in-crime.


it is poorly written crap huh?


No its pretty damn it and then judge it...the twists are clear, but you have to watch the whole movie...clearly it wasn't make strictly for nbc. Every other word Messner says is a curse word. The network basically just get rid of the sound when he curses.
