MovieChat Forums > Farce of the Penguins (2007) Discussion > Trailer completely turned me off

Trailer completely turned me off

I don't think I've ever seen a trailer that has so completely turned me off seeing a film - and a trailer usually shows the *highlights* of a film so I shudder to think what the rest of the film is like. A load of penguins in the snow with pathetic dialogue spoken by some very good actors who should know better. Maybe they hadn't read the dialogue before doing the voice-overs.


I too thought that this would be one awesome movie... until I saw the trailer. I am totally no longer interested in seeing this film. I will maybe download it someday.

"Let's take this party downstairs!"



Lots of penguins shuffling about for however long it is = bore me to tears.

Some of the dialogue was funny but that in no way made up for the tediousness (is that a word?? lol) of this movie.

A yawnfest.




Don't even download it. Spare yourself the insult. Its not even funny bad...its depressingly bad.


who cares this film is DOA - should have called it farce of the distributor or how about murderpenguin


Trailer turned me off as well. Was totally full of penguin sexual inuendo - yuck. Who wants to see that?


Go back to your sheep orgy office-366!



i just saw thjis movie thought it was hilarious...cracked me up for an hour and a half lol.

epi movie looks almost as dumb as date movie.


Where can you download it?


I watched the trailer and got through about 3 seconds. 3 words...


I thought this movie would be really funny (even though I love March of the Penguins and Happy Feet) but they didn't even try and animate the mouths to look like they were talking. This looks like it's set to be the worst movie ever. ARGH.


haha sounds to me like it's going to be absolutlely HILARIOUS! Sounds to me to be a similar style to a MST3K (myster science theater)

"Dreams aren't perfect Dawson, they come true, not free..." - Joey Potter


the actual movie trailer looks like one of those horrible movie trailer parodies on mad they get a bunch of celeberties to do voice overs and they say all these totaly unfunny and retarted things.farce of the penguins is like look whos talking now but 20 times worse.



I was thinking the movie would be fantastic until I saw the trailer. They even made the horrible mistake of repeating a joke

"If I had testicle..."/"If you had testicles..."

That's like something little kids do when they say something funny then keep repeating it, thinking it'll get the same laugh every time.


I was watching the Tonight show and Bob Saget was trying to "sell" this movie to an uninterested audience, while explaining how incredibly "funny" this movie was to be, I began to think to myself "How funny could this movie really be?". I then decided to watch the trailer here on IMDB and wasn't able to crack even the slightest smile.

It looked so incredibly bad...that I now want to watch it.

Knowing myself I believe I will probably be watching it within the next two days.

Of those who have posted already (I didn't read all of them) who has already seen it?

And was it really THAT bad???


There's a lot of talk on this thread about how the trailer turned people off the movie. Agreed. What I want to know is how anyone thought this could possibly be funny in the first place. It's another lame cash-in on America's unfettered penguin-love, first-off. Second, and more importantly, it's D-List schmucks like Bob Saget, Jason Biggs, and Jim Belushi doing raunchy voice-overs and fart jokes for seventy-some-odd minutes.

So my question again: what about this could have been funny?



Agreed- it would have been much better as a short film. I did find some parts funny because mostly you're just watching penguins and thinking "ok, penguins"; then suddenly "they" say something completely unexpected, albeit stupid. I don't know guys, you can't watch this with high expectations, nor can you watch it while already expecting to criticize it. I do have to say that some things WERE overdone, like the cursing and... it was just vulgar.
