Too Damn Confusing

I dropped my personal rating down to a 5.2 because It is too hard to understand.

The one thing I can't figure out was, who were those guys blowing stuff up and what was their agenda ?

It's just like, they were there to add a little bit of explosions and such.


The guys blowing things up are the IRA (Irish Republican Army).

Their agenda was/is to get the British out of Northern Ireland and form a United Ireland.


You're not SERIOUSLY asking this, are you?!
Either you`re under 12 or you never had a single history lesson at school.
Never heard of the IRA?!
Where on earth are you living, dude?!

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.



Don't you learn these things at school?!

It ain't over 'til the fat lady sings.

