Has it been cancelled?

Most shows have (2005-????) whereas this is just 2005. Maybe they have not signed on for another season yet. I have not seen it, but it looks like it sucks ass.



I hope so . I have no other comment on this either,except ,please put it out of its misery


I agree...kill it now.



tonight's episode was actually funny





Still a big dud to me...kill it.


I'm one of those if you don't like it don't watch it folks, television is simple in that regards. That being said I don't think I've ever hated a television show as much as this, I just absolutely cannot stand anything about it. Kill it, kill it quickly, I can't even bear watching commercials for this show.


Amen, a keon...


Even the commercials are offensive to my sensibilities as someone who enjoys things that are funny. Why hasn't the network stepped back and realize what they've done?

We've met before, haven't we?


Exactly. And Courtney Cox, who was funny as hell in Friends, and a veteran of a successful long-running sitcom should have better instincts as to what is funny and what might be successful.

It just goes to show that there is a big difference between being an actor and being a producer or director.

And David Arquette...um...well.....not really worth mentioning.


Good point, Courtney Cox can cleary play funny, but she may be incapable of actually identifying funny unless someone writes it for her.

And David Arquette has all the credibility of a burning sack of barber's hair, so it's not really a shock that those two would produce a bad show... The shock is that they would produce a show so horrible that child mollestation and natural disasters seem funny by comparison.

We've met before, haven't we?
