let's Ridicule America!!!

When I think good entertainment, I think the mockery of american people, their individual values, mores, and habits. I like to hold up average everyday people and sneer and ridicule them.

Daisy Does America 4-evar!!!!



Oh, get a bloody life! Wow, I have never heard anyone so racist about a group of people of the same color. If you have a pproblem with us, then just ignore us and leave us alone. We left for a reason - to be rid of the tyrany.


Never regret the things you've done, only the things you've dared not do.



Actually, guys, I wa sbeing facetious.

I don't like shows that exist for the purpose of ridiculing salt of the earth people for being salt of the earth people, regardless of where those people are from.

I would be just as disgusted if the show existed to ridicule the day to day lives of brazillians.


You are a real a s s h o l e....did you know that? I'm sure you've been told a million times before. I'm an american/brit and I think you are the worst kind of american. leave my beautiful country so the rest of us can enjoy it without your ugliness.


Yeah! Quit envying the fact that most of the country is prejudice in one way or another, but no one is secure enough with their thoughts to admit to it!

And quit envying the fact that we can rarely make good music while you guys have belted out legend after legend!

And you had better not be jealous of the fact that we generally think we're better than every other country in the world, where statistics have constantly shown we're barely in the top five, but our education is so bad that we don't know how to figure out the statistics!

Face it, we're not that great. Sure, we may be better than some, but we're by no means a country. I just can't wait until I move, preferably to this great little island you may have heard of. It's in northern Europe.

Besides, before you start bashing Britain, at least learn the true American history, not what they teach in school. I'll put it this way: we were completely lied to about the Revolutionary War. Pretty much the only truth we were tought was that we gained our independence. They don't teach us about how badly we got our asses kicked. Or that the war was started on accident, or that most people didn't want freed.

Get off your high horse and come visit the rest of the world here in reality.


Actually... Sparky... America IS that great, and because of that greatness America is beset on all sides by those who would wish to topple and exploit her.




Oh be quiet. She doesnt mock America, America mocks themselves, she just helps.



Don't worry, in a few months this show will be a minor part of TV history, not even worthy of being a trivia question.


This thread proves how dumb you friggin brits are! I got kids at my school like u guys, you guys act all high and mighty by saying racist comments. But then the second we say something racist back you go "OMG YOU GUYS ARE RACISTS!!" acting like you guys didnt say anything racist! Im polish but i live in america. And i like it! I visited london about a month ago, and wow! You guys are the snobbiest people ive ever come across! My god man! And if your not looking down upon each other, then your getting wasted! Heres an idea, go get your teeth fixed, and then stick the british flag up your ass! Just jam it up there. Thats the only way anyone will ever care about it anyway.
