I liked this show...

I havent found a good thread but i liked this show:) i dont know y everyone hates it i found it funny! it reminded me of the simple life




I love her and this show!!


It is mindless entertainment that makes me laugh. There are enough drama's on television and it's nice to come home from a long day at work, sit on the couch, watch a show you don't have to think about or check your pulse while your watching it, and laugh your butt off. I was in stitches and I look forward to watching it every week.
Yes, it is like a better, funnier version of the simple life, but it also reminds me of Steve Colbert's old interviews from The Daily Show.


It reminds me of The Simple Life too! I was surprised to come to this board to see all these threads from all these people who hate the show. I thought it would be a hit! I love the show; it's hilarious! The funniest episode so far has to be the one where she learns to be a country singer.


It was soooo funny. I love people who can ask totaly stupid questions. I highly recomend this show.
