MovieChat Forums > Daisy Does America (2005) Discussion > Her Face is the funniest thing!!!!

Her Face is the funniest thing!!!!

Her facial expressions are the funniest!!!

What do you think


No. AWFUL .Not funny. Terri-bull


That's what u think


That's what a lot of us think.
This show is not funny.


That this show got made is funny. What a scam this limey pulled on those idiots Arquette and Cox. this shows is terrible.


This is quite possibly the wrost idea for a show ever conceived. Just plain terrible.


Americans can't accept being criticized while Hollywood can go poking fun of every nation, every culture on this Earth.


If she criticized americans, it might be funny. I'm an american who loves stand up, and all stand up comedians do is poke fun of EVERYBODY. And I find it all hillarious. HOWEVER, I do not see any humor in this show. I see someone trying desperately to BE funny, but funny she is not.


I don't even think she was trying to be funny in the episode that was on tonight..
and yeah, I'm all for America being criticized, but all she does is try to do things Americans do, but poorly.


She's making fun of Americans? No, she's making fun of normal hard working people. She's some elitist British snob who probably never did an honest day work in her life. Screw her and anyone who watches this crap.



Exactly, sex does sell, but she is awful, I am British and I want you to know that this is NOT what our humour is about. I can recommend LITTLE BRITAIN if you want a laugh.


Most American TV shows find their humor at the expense of their fellow Americans, and poking fun at odd foreigners or strangers and their habits is a standard (if low standard) policy; (the secret of Paris Hilton's "The Real Life"'s success).
Imagine, however, some dork with a strong New York or Southern accent wanting to "learn" British culture shown asking inane questions to villagers in John o'Groats or some remote Cornish valley, or asking to join up the "Toad Protection Society" or some similar eccentric group. I do not think the English would find this very funny.


Please. Get over yoruself. hollywood's as big a failure as television. It's not about country, it's about how STUPID this show is. Get rid of your pathetic agenda!


It's really interesting how many of you have not figured out how to use the remote control.

It has these things called buttons and when you press them, the cable box will change the station.
I know this comes as a shock to many of you, but it's true!

If you don't like this show, you can use the little buttons on the remote (and if you lose the remote 90% of cable boxes have buttons on them that do the same thing) to change the channel.

If you need help, you can always ask your parent how it's done.
Most of them have pretty good remote control skills.



When you make me a tv box that blacks out when there is an comercial of that show and changes the channel when the show is on, then I can ask your mom how to use remote. And do you actualy imply that since we didn't like the show, our access to the message board should be denyed and actualy ONLY your opinion is of matter ?!?!??!!?


God damn, can't you peoople just shut the hell up? Who cares if someone thinks its funny or not. Just SHUT THE F UP. Really. I am so sick of it.

"Tulips aren't flowers, they're some kind of gay onion." - Bill Maher


I agree. I laugh all the time when she does that weird experession when she looks at the camera. I love her!!

I won't let anyone come between us any more...
--Marie, High Tension


To those of you who from your high horse and ivory towers think that American's can't handle a show like this...I fart in your general direction!

This show cracks me up.
The expressions she makes, the questions she asks, way she'll throw out little comments that the poor bastards around her don't catch on to...the whole thing makes me laugh my a$$ off!
Plus, she's pretty hot.

The episode where she did the bounty hunter thing... Wooooo - that was classick.

'Can you spit on 'em?'
'Can you lock 'em in the trunk?'


"Eeeeew! I never knew I wore a wig!"
-Nigel: The Young Ones


I saw that this thread had ended with a comment that was not negative towards the show itself, and that really bothered me. This is crap in its purest form. If it were to serve as an example that some people find the most inane and assanine things funny, then I would say this show is "classick". However the creators of this show are totally serious apparently, and that is simply tragick.

La Vie Bohem!


Pretty much, everyone in this tread is an elistest.

And whoever made this topic must be 10 years old.


why do you think that everyone here is an elitist? it doesnt seem that you know what an elitist actually is.
also, i do not think that because somebody thinks her facial expressions are funny, it doesnt mean they are/ act like they are 10 years old- i think she is hysterically funny, not least because of her expressions. her voice can also be vv amusing- watch my family series 1 and you will see what i mean.


You spelt "ugliest" wrong.



You spelled "spelled" wrong.


No, I spelt "spelt" correctly. It's a word. Look it up, professor.



It is indeed a word, describing a type of wheat:

Main Entry: spelt
Pronunciation: 'spelt
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English, from Late Latin spelta, of Germanic origin; perhaps akin to Middle High German spelte split piece of wood, Old High German spaltan to split -- more at SPLIT
: a wheat (Triticum aestivum spelta) with lax spikes and spikelets containing two light red kernels

(There is also the far less common archaic usage you have employed as a past participle of the verb "spell" which is not in use outside of certain pedantic circles in the UK).


Thanks for proving me right. Your efforts have not gone unnoticed.


Funny-looking? No.

Psychotic-looking. Yep!


The show is "smart" funny and it/she goes right over the heads of some. Some just won't get it.



There is nothing smart about this show or the people who enjoy watching it.


huh, well i enjoy watching it, and my iq is 158. beat that, dumbass


You're still a moron who can't use the shift key. The only thing your score proves is that you can take a test. Big deal. The true result of an IQ test is if the subject comes out understanding that IQ tests are useless. People who brag about their alleged IQ scores often have little else worth bragging about.


I actually thought her Ring face was hilarious, but that's about it.


Yah that ring face was really funny....

i think this show is really funny.... i love to watch it.

Double, Double toilet trouble... Something wicked this way comes!


I cringe looking at the wierd looks she gives. It's painful, unfunny, idiotic.

Treat each day as if it were the last day of your life. Please be a child sponser for World Vision.


Exactly..when she does that stupid wide-eyed, buck tooth looking smile of hers, it reminds of Happy, the baby New Year, from Rudolph's Shiny New Year.


I love this show.


I dont know what it is but she grown on me...i really find her charming.


i like her sometimes, other times i don't. the poker episode was hilarious, but the bounty hunting pilot was awful. for me, it all depends on the episode.

also, i would never have even watched the show in the first place if courtny cox wasn't in the commercials. i was hoping she would act or guest star in it at least once, but i guess not.......................

"Maybe is just a baby that needs to be loved until it says yes"
