Story Line

Does anyone else find the story line hard to follow? I don't find it all that interesting.


The same here, i had a hard time understanding what was going on , and who's who , had to watch it over again and still not sure, so far it looks good , but it's not easy to understand, for me anyway, i am trying to read more about it so i can get to understand it better

"I gotta get somewhere in this world. I just gotta"


The story line makes sense if you record it and then watch it by fast forwarding through the commercials.


I agree. I watched it twice - and liked it both times, though I did think that it started a little slow. I also think (hope)that some of the holes in the storyline will be filled in before the series is finished. we'll see


I watched it again and the only portion of the story that has me confused is the reason(s) the dancer asset got into trouble with the KGB. Wasn't she giving Berlin Station disinfo for the KGB and didn't the KGB know about her relationship with Jack?

Wish this project was on HBO.


From what I remember, the KGB found out about the dancer from Kim Philby. Instead of arresting her, the KGB forced her to give disinformation. The first indication was from the bug in the professor's apartment. It didn't match the information from the silks. When Jack confornted her, she admitted it. Yes, the KGB knew about Jack's relationship with her. Borisov mentions it in the alley after trying to bribe him.


I watched in via TiVo and found it easy enough to understand (BTW, how could it be hard to understand AND uninteresting? That sounds like a contradiction).

Please for God's sake fix the spelling in your subject line.


If I hadn't read the book I would be totally lost.


Suggestion for future episodes: Have the closed captioning on -- it helps you catch all the names, and more specifically the CODE NAMES, of all the characters -- Sorcerer, Mother, Sniper, Parsifal, Starik, etc.

It's best to tape it as well, so you can watch it without commercial interruption, and rewind as necessary when you don't understand something.

PS: You might want to go back and rewatch the premiere online, before you watch hours 2 & 3:

At the top right, click "Shows" then "The Company" then "Episode 101."

Please for God's sake fix the spelling in your subject line.


I like your suggestions angelofvic.

Btw, really? It re-aires again? When? After it ends for week 3 or ...?

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Ah, they've stopped airing the premiere, but you can watch the entire thing online:

At the top right, click "Shows" then "The Company" then "Episode 101."

Please for God's sake fix the spelling in your subject line.


Why do they think it necessary to include nearly non-stop music? It could hardly be called background. All too often it drowns out the dialog.


I'm kind of amazed at the negative reactions this thing has been getting. I think it's one of the best miniseries I've seen in a long time. The storyline is that hard to follow, the characters are interesting, and the production values are top notch. Sure, there's not enough Molina and Keaton, and Chris O'Donnell is kind of bland, but hell, he is what the CIA recruited: a WASP-y, blond, non-descript Yalie. Not all spies are dashing -- most of are drab cipers, like Jack. And the story line demonstrates not only the futility of the "intelligence war" between the CIA and KGB, it also paints a historically accurate portrait of how badly we've screwed and betrayed people. All in all, I think it does a pretty solid job of entertaining us, and also demonstrating why the U.S.'s world image hasn't been so hot from WWII on.
