MovieChat Forums > The Company (2007) Discussion > Spoilers the mole is.................

Spoilers the mole is.................

Tom Hollander as Adrian "Kim" Philby


That was already established in the first episode but we still don't know who Sasha is, I think its leo.


The Company is unique...interest,
intensity, and omnipresent danger don't depreciate as the Cold War rolls by...Part III is covert manipulation and intrigue all the way...powers of personality have at it in III...know how Mother was humiliated by the ID of Parcifal...that his brilliant mind didn't sense deception by his up close and personal friend...not to worry, Angleton redeems himself...his intellectual dissection of SASHA is something to watch...I sat there entranced...don't want to spoil, but you'll be amazed at what happens in III...Jack plays a vital role in the final segment as well...plaudits to Chris O'Donnell for his work in The Company...he's done a remarkable job in this series...full throttle from beginning to end!


how did you get to watch episode 3 before the general population? please tell.


Purchased a *promo* DVD...didn't know if it would coalesce with the TV version, but it has through Part II...reason I wondered?...Chris O'Donnell shaved his head bald for months for this role, but I haven't seen him sans hair in any seg so thought maybe my DVD was bogus. :)


that would certainly explain the awful wigs, which is weird because none of the main actors are balding...couldn't they have styled their natural hair and wore a bald cap? I find the series interesting because of the subject matter but I am not entirely convinced that it holds any merits when viewed purely as entertainment. I guess this is where the sayings "I likes what I likes" would be most aproppo.


Yeah. But that's easy. It's history. I'm betting the second mole is Michael Keaton himself. They're pulling a Robert Hanssen. The mole hunter turns out to be the mole himself.

Vic Mackey: "God creates all men equal. Out of the womb, he starts playing favorites."


but I'm not telling who it is ;)


Actually, the mole was Kim in real life. So, if they're making it accurate to the history of the CIA, then its Kim.

