Rated a bit high, no?

I was pretty excited to see this movie after seeing the rating here and all the posts calling this movie "hilarious". My official take on this movie is "Meh". Not awful, but not great, I thought this movie started strong, then by the last 20 minutes or so I kept looking at my watch thinking, "Wrap this up already!" I so frustrated with all the ridiculous twists that I really didn't care that anyone died. I was glad to see them go. I also hated the lead actress. She reminded me of Taryn Manning who also gets on my nerves. A voice like nails on a chalkboard and acting ability to match.

As for everyone saying how funny this is...I did chuckle at a few scenes (crying Jesus was great) but there was nothing I found "hilarious." It reminded me of Employee Of The Month with Matt Dillon; why Blockbuster has it under comedy I'll never know.

I know this movie has it's fans and I'm sure my half-a$$ed review might upset those people. I'm not trying to start arguments, but I feel like I'm the only one who thought this movie was not worth the rating it has. Anyone agree?

The signs of the end times are all around us, etched in blood and fire by the left hand of god.


I agree with everything you said!

In nomine patris, et filii, et spiritus sancti


Touche salesman. I to am of the opinion that this movie was a little on the *beep* side of things and no way deserves the rating it currently has! WHOOP WHOOP!


I loved it!

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~did you see that film last night, "gay lords say no?"


Have to agree here, the comedy lost itself.


Agree with the original poster. Started out fine, then it became tiresome, it just tries too hard, getting emptier by the minute. Mediocre, despite a good cast.


I wasn't expecting much from this film, and it didn't deliver too much.
The comedy premise of 'uh oh, we've killed someone else - what shall we do with the body?' has been done before. If only i could remember what film, Laurel & Hardy for grown ups perhaps. It's a nice calamity caper with a moral sort of pushed in there somewhere.
I did find Pegg's accent a bit irritating though.


this movie was indeed not as good as intended because the makers probably wanted to make a comedy and a thriller but they got only the money to make one movie so.....they mixed the two genres together,.....bad mistake like most of the time.

recent exemple : Man of the year , begins as comedy but it ends as political thriller.

And why Blockbuster -like most videostores- put certain movies under the wrong genre has something to do with this explanation and also a little bit because distributors and videostores really don't care.

Maybe should "crappy movie" be a new genre....



I don't know, I think it depends on your expectations. You were expecting a good movie, and thus, you were disappointed.

I was expecting a piece of crap, even though it has Simon Pegg in it, but instead I found it to be pretty funny.


I completely agree with the 'meh' rating. I love Simon Pegg, but it was a wee bit predictable and there was nothing particularly hilarious.


It wasn't so funny, but sure is better than Hot Fuzz


I really liked this film - thought the humour and acting eclipsed anything in Hot Fuzz (which I was actually really disappointed in). It was good to see Pegg in a dark comedy - Shaun of the Dead and Hott Fuzz were just too like parodies for my liking. This film almost seemed more mature to me.


THIS is not an exit


imo overrated
