What the.........?

This film started off interesting, but went downhill like crazy. Even the cover picture on the DVD box is false. St. George's belly is sutured, which never happens in the film (he doesn't need suturing, as he has the power to regenerate). The ending is quite fitting for a film that doesn't make any sense to start with. Apparently, the director decided to add a little psychedelics (as in 2001:A Space Odyssey) at the end in a vain attempt to leave us all in awe. It simply leaves us with a bad taste in our mouths. Lots of money wasted here. Lambert has always impressed me, and he does his best here, but he can't rise above the inane screenplay.



Exactly. If you look closely at the ending - 10 minutes of him rotating in space, you will notice that it was copied and pasted, and the next one pasted was just a bit faster. I felt like the director wanted to piss me off with the 10 minutes of spinning crap.


Well, according to the trivia of this film "Director Marc Caro had a different ending in mind but couldn't shoot it because the original budget of 8 million euros was cut back to 4 millions by the producers"
I felt like the ending was cut short, I suppose there was something more that should have been there, like an explanation.. (or 10) but I still found the film interesting. i'd rather wauth this than...say, Transformers 2.

X ~We are the people our parents warned us about


We only get to see four circles, Dante's inferno describes nine, so I guess there was supposed to be a lot more.... Still, the movie had a nice vibe, up to the rushed ending


I watched this film a few hours ago, and apart from a bit of dodgy acting here and there and an ending that had me thinking 'what the *beep* did i just watch' , i found the film as a whole great fun. Would be good to see a directors cut of this one day with all the obviously missing footage put back in, and maybe a redone ending that doesn't look like it cost £100 to make on an old pentium 60 pc :D


It's not unreasonable to hope for at least the storyboards and script for the original ending. Perhaps they could render the storyboards as hieroglyphics or cave art on the terraformed planet, explaining the origin myth and filling in some plot gaps.

Or perhaps they should hire a mad visionary sci-fi author/artist to reedit the whole thing so it makes more sense.
