MovieChat Forums > Legacy (2008) Discussion > JUST RENTED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

JUST RENTED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I'm About To Watch it

Last movies seen:
Pineapple Express 4/10
Doomsday 3/10


hey, i just watched it yesterday! i thought it was good. i wouldnt buy it, but im glad i rented it. whats your opinion?

The Best Of Hilary Duff ~ Sept. 23! Buy It!!!


A pointless film and Tom Green's enthusiasm is wasted, as if the director secured him for a day and was about to ring as much screentime from him as possible, even if it made little sense in the overall that he even appeared.

The killer, who drifts in and out of the film, is pretty much obvious considering that she's a well known television personality -- well known that is if you have a young nephew that forces you to watch the Disney Channel endlessly.

To be honest, I thought the casting was dead on. I've always contended that the Even Stevens girl was f-cking creepy looking for some reason, and man, does she sell her character here. Those eyes of hers, what a black sinister hole, wow!!!

The ending of this film is pretty damn freaky also, it's just too bad that it was all to no avail. There's no character arcs minus the obvious ones (gay chick comes out of the closet after spending the whole film swapping spit with other hot chicks) and the girls are still as slimey in the last frame as they were in the first. Yes, fat ugly people deserve to die because they are ugly and fat. Nice message.

90 minutes with some very shallow vacuous people with nothing coming out the other end minus a neat homage to Psycho. Did Paris Hilton write this.
