Real stories?

I'm hoping they actually go after "real" stories. It would basically be like the Daily Show's In Depth Reports, only more in depth.

I really like the people involved with the show, but if it's just the main cast doing stupid stuff, then what's the point? The funniest thing about the Daily Show and Colbert Report is the reactions of the real people and public officials to the crazy questions.

The Daily Show already has fake news down to an art. Dog Bites Man better bring its A game.

Check this out before you insult me:


It looks more in the vein of Reno 911 to me, with them running around "doing stupid stuff"... I'm a big Galafianakis fan, so I'm hoping it's more than a Reno clone with a news team, but who knows...

Mistakes were made...


I think it will be somewhat like Reno 911!, improvised.

Class of '76 Rules! USA
ELO, Ford Pintos & All in the Family


It’s supposed to be a spoof on a fictitious local news station in Spokane, Washington. This is exciting since it's my hometown, I can't wait to see what they do with it.
