Why not Man Bites Dog?

Why isn't the show called "Man Bites Dog" instead of "Dog Bites Man"? I know the old joke that says that a headline "Dog Bites Man" won't sell any papers because it happens everyday, but a headline "Man Bites Dog" would sell papers because it would be sensational.

Maybe it's because these guys seem to be covering situations that aren't exactly newsworthy? Like the bodybuilding competition, which wasn't much of a story, so it was just a "dog bites man" story.


Here you've put me in tough situation, I can't honestly decide whether to say "Duh", "Adoy", or a very sarcastic "Oooh... Really!?". My god, Fiona!


maybe they don't want to be confused with this movie http://imdb.com/title/tt0103905/, which is awesome, by the way


It seems you answered your own question. So for your answer you could just read your own post. Or read: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dog_bites_man

But bluntly, its meant to portray the worthlessness of this news team along with their inability to succeed.


Gotcha... I had only heard of the phrase "man bites dog" and not "dog bites man" so I just guessed as to the meaning.
