MovieChat Forums > Dog Bites Man (2006) Discussion > Why are you so many topics reading 'i ha...

Why are you so many topics reading 'i have seen this before'?

Okay, the year is 2006.. There have been hundreds of shows.. shows are bound to overlap in some peoples opinions.. why create all the topics? And the people who make these topics only back up their vaugue statement with about 5 words..

It is like comparing the flinstones to the simpsons to family guy to american dad

Or, all the crime shows.. there are way to many to list..

Everything has been done.. why bother acting all smug and creating new topics?(yes, i realize that if someone already made this topic, it would be very ironic)

This show is great and I will be buying season 1.

There have been identical shows of Family Guy and The Simpsons.. yet they are both going strong. In your perfect world, would all shows similar at all to any shows previous be cancelled? That sounds like fun... /sarcasm


Yeah this show is awesome, and it definetly stands on its own. It has some of my favorite people in it. Its so good that comedy central will probly cancel it, just like they did to the late great Stella.


horrible thought.....but quite possibly true, for no matter how much the critics love it, it all depends on who is watching.


And no matter who is watching, unless they've got a Nielsen box.
