MovieChat Forums > Dog Bites Man (2006) Discussion > Does no one get that this involves real ...

Does no one get that this involves real people?

Reading all the posts on this board, people compare it to The Office, Reno, whatever, and no one has commented on the fact that it takes place in real life - the bodybuilders were real bodybuilders thinking the TV news gang was REAL, and so was the sexual harrassment guy! That makes it different from any other show on TV. There a reason this show was created by that Ali G dude...


I don't think CC really made that clear, or we just weren't really paying attention. That's why most people don't realize it. I just thought the real people were just really convincing actors. Now that I know, I'll actually enjoy it much more.


Well Matt Walsh is big in to hidden camera stuff, he was doing it with UCB, so it only seems natural that he'd do it with this show and I think it works wonders for the comedy.



yeah it's not made very clear that most of the people other than the news team are real people who aren't in on the joke. it's still very funny when you don't know that


Interviewees are still unaware that correspondents from The Daily Show are actors.


If no one "gets" it, whose problem is that?


if no one gets the humor, then it's the shows problem. if no one gets that these are real people, then it's the shows problem, but people are to blame.


if no one gets that these are real people, then it's the shows problem, but people are to blame.

Come again?


I really think this kind of humor is wearing thing. It was kind of funny six years ago when Tom Green started doing it but by now it's just getting obnoxious. It really takes very little talent to shove a camera in someone's face, act like a moron, make them uncomfortable, then put it on T.V.

I really expected a much better show from Zack Galifinakis than this Daily Show/The Office rip off.

Do I look like someone who cares what god thinks?


how is it a daily show ripoff?

or even an office show ripoff?


But there are actually stories in the episodes where things are scripted. You said it right there, it's The Office combined with the Daily Show and that mixing of humor genres hasn't been done before.


Who from Ali G had something to do with the show? I cant figure that out.


Dan Mazer


thats not true, the whole this is staged. Its just a mockumentary like the Office or such


It is true doofus. Do a little homework before posting...

From the Variety review:
Producer Dan Mazur is a veteran of "Da Ali G Show," and in similar fashion the fictional KHBX news crew actually interacts with unwitting real people, providing a clever (if at times uncomfortable) collision between fiction and reality.




