MovieChat Forums > Dog Bites Man (2006) Discussion > the only funny person on this show is za...

the only funny person on this show is zach galifinakis

and its so gay how he has no lines on the show. he's the funniest person on this show and has the smallest part on it.



I'm sure future episodes will have him more involved


I personally didn't think he was that funny on the show. Matt Walsh was okay, but far from hilarious. The funniest person was definitely Marty, the intern. After that it would probably be Tillie, considering she delivers her lines the best of them all.


Um no Matt Walsh is the best, he is GOD!



All of the characters on this show are funny. Right now Marty is the funniest followed closely by Matt Walsh's character. "Finger" is funny too and I think he is meant to kinda be out of it which is why he isn't constantly speaking.


See, he was featured more prominently in the newest episode... and was very funny. I can't believe they actually got those girls to go along with his song.


zach only had 2 funny parts the whole series: 1. when they find out he asked for extra cheese on his sandwhich 2. when he made up his own song. they should have more lines for him he's so funny doing stand up and i think its a shame he doesn't have more lines


exactally what i thought on the very first episode with him drinking the random and yet the funniest thing that happened..the girl reporter is a horrible actress as well. I'm no professional to say that but thats just my point of view


Don't get me wrong,

But Zach is just not a good actor... Amazing Comic. But Actor ? Not so much.

Matt is god.
