this show is a knockoff

this show is like if someone saw "the office" and was like, "i'm going to imitate the humor of this show and do a really obvious halfhearted job." the 1st episode i saw was ok, the one where they interview the gay guy, but i think i thought it was ok just because it didnt suck outright. i expected it to suck, just because most of the time you see a new CC show, it sucks. south park has its really awesome epiosdes, but even most of chapelle show is not funny on repeated viewing. anyway, i saw the repub convention one and i realized how hollow the characters are, and it was almost unwatchable. the main guy is a total david brent carbon copy. and the guy who is a closet gay? its just so unoriginal and shallow! whatever. i hate to break it to everyone but this show blows. its a shame too because even though UCB sucked alot of the time and turned out to be low mileage, the classics from UCB are true classics.


Most of the humor comes from characters interacting with real people, which is completely un-like the office.


think about this:

in s2 ep1 of the office, david brent tries to break in the swindon crew by telling a series of bad/inappropriate jokes. part of what makes these scenes so funny is watching all these people react to david's off color humor. And the viewer is embarrassed along with them. and basically what i really wanted to say about MBD is that its a mediocre show in this new genre of "make people squirm" comedy. shows like the office, Curb your enthusiasm, extras, even colbert report, have all created a brand of comedy that mocks PC culture through buffoonish characters. its not even that MBD is that bad, its just so lackluster compared to its predecessors, its not worth watching.


There is no such thing as something original anymore. Every single "new" idea is from an already existing one or part of one and it slowly evolves into its on thing. If you hate stuff because its not original and fresh then you must hate allot of stuff on TV and in other medias. Just get use to it and be happy. I can tell you The Office is not the first show ever to have a guy tell bad jokes and make every one feel uncomfortable. The Office is one of my favorite shows and I could easily pick it apart and show you how unoriginal the show, very easley. For an example, a lot of people I know think “That’s what she said” and “Does it smells like updog in here” where jokes first on The Office, which is not true and they just liffed the jokes from other stuff. I ignore this and think its funny because what they do is take that idea (Joke) and use it in a different way (slowly evolves) and make it there own, so its fresh and different but its still not original.

You can name anything and I can tell you where its originally from and show you how unoriginal everything after it is, but im not saying that everything after it is bad, because they normely slowly turn it into something a bit diffrent.

Another example is the book War Of The Worlds, The first science fiction book about aliens from another world invading earth. Now if no one was allowed to take that idea and change it a bit we would have no Independent Day the movie, Alien the Movie, even Halo the video game, Superman, and not to mention the 3 War Of The Worlds movies, the radio broadcast, the TV series, and other novels based off the first book by other writers and a whole lot of other things that involve aliens coming to earth.

Nothing is original so just let things slide and enjoy media.


i dont think you understand what i said. its not like I think individual jokes like "thats what she said" and "ex-squeeze me" are original jokes from "the office," i'm saying they are doing a 3rd rate rendition of a concept. the concept that "the office" trademarked, and perfected.


that episode of the simpsons, where the real creator of itchy and scratchy reveals himself, you know the one, "the day the violence died." at the end roger meyers jr defends his case for ripping off the concept of cartoon violence by saying, "if it wasnt for the 'the honeymooners,' we'd have no 'flinstones,'...cheif wiggum, edward g robinson..." yes, i get it. one concept spawns another. but whatever. its not cool when someone comes along and rips off a concept. ripping off a joke is a venial sin. ripping off a concept is a mortal sin. the flinstones at least put an interesting twist (the stone age gag) on the honeymooners. the fact that DBM is a politically clueless newsteam just does'nt do enough. its a show that obviously writes itself, and therefore is boring.



You say it's not enough of a twist that they're a news team, which may be true. But there's also the HUGE twist of involving REAL, UNSUSPECTING people (instead of actors) as the ones reacting to their anticts.


I loveee this show! Its hilarious! I love the Spirngbrak episode! I hope it has many seasons to go...


It may not be real good, but I will give it a chance because I like looking at Tillie and even bad mockumentaries are better than reality TV.
You want American Idol, Survivor and Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?
This isn't as good as The Office (US or Brit), but it's better than Joey.
What I want to know is when are they going to rip off Trailer Park Boys?


survivor and millionare arent scripted shows. those shows dont even count as legitimite television. (at least for the purposes of this discusion)

joey barely qualifies as a "show." its more of an "attempt." an attempt to milk a few more dollars out of advertisers, and fill a post-seinfeld prime time line up.

don't accept mediocre television. acccept dog bites man, then some show ripping DBM gets green lit. then, before you know it, you're making the agruement "at least its not as lame as joey."



so MBD is a ripoff of the office because its a scripted comedy made to look like a real documentary? ever hear of a little movie called spinal tap?

This First Ammendment of your's sounds like a bunch of beaurocratic Jibbery-Joo


you guys don't read. it's the whole, "ooh let's make people uncomfortable with oblivious, non PC characters" thing thats a ripoff. you guys are just desperate for something to watch because your forearms are all tired, so you make up excuses for crap shows.


You're barking up the wrong tree, spurts.

What shows do you watch regularly?
All kidding aside, if your standards are this high I don't see how you ever turn your television on.

"ripping off a joke is a venial sin. ripping off a concept is a mortal sin. the flinstones at least put an interesting twist (the stone age gag) on the honeymooners. the fact that DBM is a politically clueless newsteam just does'nt do enough. its a show that obviously writes itself, and therefore is boring"

Your logic is flawed.
And as stated above, The Office is anything but original.
That said, it's perfect in it's "style" or "genre" or whatever other words you want to attach to it.

What's your favorite sitcom of all time?
It has to be the first sitcom ever, right?
Afterall, all shows that came after it were committing the "mortal sin" of concept ripoff.

You mention The Flinstones "putting an interesting spin" on the Honeymooners.
So, say a show used The Office template but set it during the Crusades. That wouldn't offend you as much as MBD clearly has? I mean, they put a creative spin on it and everything - there's never been a comedy set in the crusades.
"Making Christians uncomfortable - on the next episode of The Office of the Holy Grail"

You can't have it both ways...
- "A" came up with a concept.
- B stole A's concept, didn't improve on it, took the base parts and taped it together with his eyes closed. B is worthless and ripe for ridicule.
- C stole A's concept, put a crazy spin on it and discovered the cure for diarrhea. I'm giving C a blow job tonight!

Some blatant examples of MBD thievery:
-David Brent sang a song or two on the Office.
-Alan Finger records "Up In Them Guts" and performs it with dancers in front of an unsuspecting crowd of club goers. (Finger's a ripoff of the fat guy from the Office anyways - Your mustache isn't fooling anybody!)

-David makes an ass out of himself by saying something idiotic.
-Kevin Beekin and Marty not knowing what gays eat/the jacking off sharks bit

-Dawn/Tim plot
-Hello!!! Kevin and Tillie used to date!! Sexual tension ripoff!

-Marty! Come on! They're both geeky dudes. Do I need to type more?

If anything, the show (MBD) is a ripoff of "Da Ali G Show"
What with the fake characters interacting with real people and looking like fools.
Only problem with this ripoff is the creator of MBD also created the Ali G show.

Please tell me you laughed at all of the "Up in Them Guts" stuff.
You're human, right?

I think the show has a comedic voice of its own. I'm going to keep watching and hope that your mission to derail the juggernaut that is MBD is a failure.
Everyone should like what I like anyway.

I swear I had a point somewhere in there...

Idea #1:
What if the Internet turned into a Were-wolf?

Idea #2: Black JAWS


The Office and Dog Bites Man are both equally entertaining.

I'm a waste like you
With nothing else to do.
May I waste your time too?
Sassafras Roots


lovecomesinspurts is stupid as hell for starting this post.


Wow, lovecomesinspurts, it appears your WORDS come in volumes, and yet say nothing. You started this post with an opinion the YOU won't like this show. Why do people like you have nothing better to do than say absolutely nothing, continually, about a creative project that your not even half-cleaver enough to have pioneered yourself, and have nothing other than pure drivel to say in it's regard? I don't have to defend this show, or why I find it pure GENIUS. You on the other hand can't even make a remotely intelligent criticism. You can't write comedy, and will never be a professional critic. Go back to your day job and stop making us defend intelligence...


i've seen the office, and never once did somebody preform a song live, espically a song called up in them guts (for all you who dont have black friends up in them guts is when you got a huge wang and you stick it all the way in). unless you mean the american the office. damn if you did i wasted my time


It's easy, don't watch it. The people that like it don't care if you don't like it or why. At least I don't. I'm not trying to be an a-hole, I'm just saying, it's a waste of time.

