MovieChat Forums > Dog Bites Man (2006) Discussion > So that's 2 UCB members who's gotten new...

So that's 2 UCB members who's gotten new shows on CC...

So next you're watching your UCB Season 1 DVDs ask yourself why in God's name Comedy Central is still hiring people who's brilliant show they cancelled in the first place.

Ya know, for a while I thought that whatever happened was basically Comedy Central and the UCB got in a big debacle and hated each other, and the DVD commentary tracks would definitely suggest something like that, albeit I'd never trust something like that given the agents of chaos we're dealing with. But this is the second of the UCB to get a new show on CC, and despite "forgetting" about UCB on it's website for years, recently it popped back up when they put it on Motherload.

I don't really have an ending point here, just that I think in the past few years CC has seemed to turn around in a weird way, and I guess in some deep part of me I still pray one day the forces of the universe will be good to us and bring back UCB.

If nothing else I think we can stop praying for the rest of the UCB season on DVD at least.




UCB = Upright Citizens Brigade, the comedy troupe composes of Matt Walsh, Matt Besser, Ian Roberts, and Amy Poehler that had a show called "The Upright Citizens Brigade that was on Comedy Central for 3 seasons in the late 90's. They also have an improv theatre in New York that is THE hot spot of comedy in New York City. Check it out:


Maybe they finally both made up with each other.




She is never funny on SNL.. she has basically taken over the show and ever since then its been complete garbage. I never even try watching new ones anymore.

Your pretty face don't match that nasty attitude


i want a copy for sure
I have been a fan of Matt Walsh for years!!!
he is a Chicago boy
[email protected]


"I don't really have an ending point here"

That's OK, you don't appear to actually have <<any>> point here, so why ruin a perfect record?


I would agree with the point. Comedy central has turned around their programing in recent years. They got rid of "Tough Crowd," picked up Reno 911, Stella, if only for one season. The Daily Show and its spin off Colbert Report have only gotten better. South Park has added more satire and lost a lot of the poop jokes. Dave Chappelle was huge. The stand up they play seems to be going strong. Now all they need to do is lose mind of mancia and that pathetic drawn together.


Tough Crowd was a hilarious show. That was a heartbreaking cancelation.

An RC problem? You mean like RC Cola? We had a Pepsi problem earlier. - Hide and Creep


often times, there are power shifts at a network. often referred to as a "network shake up"

the people in charge when UCB was cancelled are long gone. the people in place today who clearly see the talent behind the UCB members and many other people, will eventually be replaced by new blood as well. thats how it works. hope that helps.


I like most of the programming they have on CC, with the exception of Mind of Mencia. I truly hate that show, and I find it to be a horrible ripoff of the great "Chappelle's Show". He uses the same tired stereotypes of all races and creeds, which isn't always that bad, but his jokes just fall flat. I don't know why CC hasn't cancelled it yet, considering its ratings can't be too spectacular. Anyway, most of the programs on CC tend to be to my particular liking and I feel they're doing a pretty good job of selecting their shows.


I am happy to see comedy central going to old UPC members as well.
lets not forget the failed crossballs, or whatever with adar from upright.
but this looks much better.

CC still needs to get its act together though between like 15 hours of terrible MAD TV a day, Mind of Mencia (possibly the worst show on TV), and all those hillbilly standups with the blue collar people. all very bad.


Carlos Mencia humps every joke and is way to enthusiastic. If i hear one more person say "der der der" i am going to choke them. How did he even get his own show. Just because something is "contraversial" doesnt mean its funny.


Comedy Central really does need to rework its day time lineup. Mad TV is really one of the worst shows on television. Every episode is the exact same. They should bring back UCB, strangers with candy, and other such shows that are really where comedy is at. The only quality thing CC has done lately is the Colbert Report. I swear that show gets funnier every night. THere have been few, and I stress few, times that the Report has let me down. And as awesome as Stephen COlbert is on the Report, he was just as good in Strangers with Candy. CC should just bring back UCB or maybe give Corrdry or someone a night slot and take out MEncia.

But hey, at least Reno 911 is coming back in july.


Just for fun, think back to the Craig Kilborn years of The Daily Show, and then look at that show today. What a dramatic difference!

As for the worst show on Comedy Central, it has to have been Crossballs. Wow -- how self-conscious and unfunny that was. Matt Besser is anti-funny in my book.


The problem with Crossballs was the improv sucked, Dog Bites Man has been much better at doing improv with random people.


you guys are forgetting a show far worse then mencia.

that showbiz show with david spade is terrible.


CC will not cancel Mind of Mencia. The show is doing VERY well in the ratings. It's even being paired with Reno and the lost episodes of Chapelle's Show on Sunday nights in July in order to regain some of their former Sunday night dominance in the ratings.

At one point an Episode of Mencia scored a higher rating than a new South Park lead-in and the following week it had the highest rating of any program on Cable in that time slot.

So, although most seem to hate the show, it'll continue to air as long as the numbers are that good.

And, just so I don't get a ton of flame posts from haters, let me say that I do hate the show too. But it pays my bills.

P.S.- Showbiz Show will not return again most likely and UCB style comedy is on the rise. Go UCB!!


what do you do for CC madbladder?


A family member whom I am closely related to works in a loose capacity for a show that was on TV at some point that may be considered to be a comedy central show if one defines TV by name alone.

(i.e.- It wouldn't be good for me to say what I do professionally. Lawyers. Lawsuits. Unemployment. These are things that I do not like, and want no part of.)


oh yeah.. i used to love that show. sucks it's not on anymore. lets be friends. my space bar doesn't work


This has probably already been answered in this thread but who was the other UCB member to get a CC show? I just saw the commercial for it on TV and I can't wait! I've been a big fan of Matt Walsh since UCB and one of the dudes from Stella and Zach Galifianakis are on this show. I hope it's good.



