
I don't usually find something good enough to start a topic on, but i couldnt find many posts dealing with Spokane. I, for one, live in Spokane and find it completely hillarious this is a show. They picked a great (thats me, being facetious) city for a spoof news team. I've only watched one episode so far, but its the idea that i really love. especially since they've been banned from actually filming in Spokane by our tourist board. Completely typical. I highly doubt it will have any bearing on how people view Spokane, if they do at all (seriously, who knows Spokane?), and regardless of whether it was a completely random choice, it was a brilliant one.

~The child is grown, the dream is gone...I have become comfortably numb~


I think its both a good thing and a bad thing, its great our city is being recognized but how they portray "us" kinda gives Spokane a bad Name
its a bittersweet idea


Any publicity is good publicity.


Have you lived anywhere else??? As a Spokane native living elsewhere in the US, I can only say that Spokane is amazing, and I only hope it's portrayed correctly in this show.


It's really not portrayed that much... they travel around to different places, the focus really isn't on Spokane at all, it's just where they're from.


Speaking of Spokane, I spoke at a speech conference there.
It was fun, all the wiggers loved it.

We'll settle this the old Navy way. First one to die, loses!


If this show "hurts" the city of Spokane's feelings, how do you think the people (especially the police) of Reno, Nevada feel about Reno 911?


lol I'm not surpised at all. I live in Washington and Spokane is a major city in our state but nobody else in the country gives a flying *beep* about it. I think its also kind of funny that they think that the average TV viewer will think that real news reporters in Spokane are like that and won't want to visit. Idiots.


its filmed in denver



If it is filmed in Denver, how do they get the guests to namedrop "spokane"? For example, in the latest episode entitled "Daytime Talk Pilot", they consulted a Public Relations guy, he said, "how would you get John McCain to come to Spokane." Wouldn't the PR guy have to be from Spokane...?


I think the fake news crew tells people upfront they are from KHBX, Spokane.
Funny thing about Spokane, they resist anything that brings the town publicity.
They usually find some lame excuse for resisting, but I think the real reason is they just prefer most of the world not to know it exists.
btw... I think they should just igore the powers that be and film there if they want. What, is it agaist the law?
