MovieChat Forums > Dog Bites Man (2006) Discussion > Beekin + Eggs -- best ep yet

Beekin + Eggs -- best ep yet

wow, I work in TV news and that morning show/news magazine spoof was spot-on! Granted it was a lot worse than anything I've been involved with, but still I felt the sutdio audience's pain. Great show.


I also loved it the way Alan flushed and exited the bathroom without washing his hands, only to return moments later.
"Arby's...." LMAO


the best part was when alan was watching thats so raven and he said sometimes im like that is so raven and sometimes im like that is not so raven.

What if she laughs at me. Then you punch her in the *beep* head. ~ The 40 year old virgin


I agree - it was deinfitely my favorite episode to date. My favorite part was Marty while they were all watching "That's so Raven" - "Oh! That is so very typical of the behavior I've come to expect of Raven."
