Obese Looser

I am watching this movie/documentary right now. I am only part way into it and I know how it ends just from watching his training...or lack thereof.
His bodyfat at 29% put him in the OBESE category. He spent time in the gym but obviously did NOTHING about his diet. Fitness is approximately 70% diet and 30% training. At least in his case. I am not talking about Marathon runners or swimmers who can eat 12000 calories a day.

Look at him. The guy is obviously an undisciplined slob. He needed to focus....cut his mangy hair, SHAVE, and totally transform himself if he really wanted to succeed. He was not willing to do that. His handlers failed miserably by not forcing him in that direction. Sorry, this whole thing makes me so damn mad. All this time and money...wasted.

The guy never is not shedding even a tiny bit of body fat...and he smokes. He is so horribly out of shape that he is dooming himself to certain failure.
I think he could have been successful had he been clinically focused on his diet and supplements. He obviously ate like a pig through out all that wasted gym time.

Going to the gym and working out is easy compared to following a strict diet. Even professional athletes need help in that area.

Its just disgusting to see so much time and money wasted. Why didnt they give this guy a body guard to whack him in the head every time he reached for extra butter, bacon and scones?

He ate his way to failure. Pure and simple. I blame his handlers as much as anyone. The guy needed a babysitter for his poor eating habits. I am CERTAIN, that would have given him a MUCH better chance at success.

I DON"T know the ending. But is HAS to be failure due to his not being in the proper physical condition.

Arguing on the internet is like Special Olympics.Win or lose, you are still a retard.


Boy what a hater you are. I recommend you find some peace and happiness in your own life - you might well be less compelled to attack and be so judgemental of others.
