Love this show but

I hate how there are only 6 episodes a season. Why did they space it out like that? They should have made at least 10 episodes a season :(


This is typical of a lot of British comedies, you'll find some of the best are only 6 episodes a series. I prefer it like this, I feel American comedies overkill a series, a lot of them being like 24 episodes. I also feel like some American shows don't know wen to stop. You'll probably notice British series are generally only a couple long.


The British are more concerned with Quality...not Quantity, which is fine by me.


Like others have said, uk comedies usually have 6 episodes a season. Also, this was written by one person instead of a huge committee like American comedies are.


This is very common in britian, sitcoms generally have six or eight episodes per season, and usually run to fewer seasons than a typical american sitcom - three or four series is quite common.


Makes it better.

If you want more solid 6 gems I would check out Black Books and Spaced. Not necessarily in that order.

Oh, and Darkplace.


The Office is the main one to check out.

And Peep Show and Fawlty Towers.



You are right!

Netflix should STOP removing shows from their online catalogue. They are on the cloud so they should have infinite amount of space to keep EVERYTHING online indefinitely. As a subscriber, we'd like to be able to pull up any show (new or old) instantly at any point in time.

We should all contact Netflix to complain about this and stop them from removing shows from their online catalogue.


It has nothing to do with space. If the contract Netflix has to stream a series or movie runs out, they can no longer stream it.


6 episodes a season, combined with going years between episodes would never work in America and I'm honestly trying to figure out how it works in UK. Hell, waiting from May to September between seasons is bad enough, but waiting 2 years is unimaginable to me.

Network sitcoms like How I Met Your Mother or Big Bang Theory... 22 episodes every year.

Cable TV shows on USA like Psych... 13-15 episodes every year.

Premium cable shows like Game of Thrones on HBO... 10 episodes every year.

Granted when you have 22-24 episodes there's a lot of filler. I love Supernatural on CW, and generally you have the main story arc spread out over 22 episodes... where only maybe half pertains to the story arc while the rest are stand alone filler episodes.


In successful American sitcoms (like Scrubs) there are many, many writers, even the most prolific might co-author only a dozen or two episodes ...

Bill Lawrence (Scrubs creator) wrote 14 episodes in 7 years, Neil Goldman and Garrett Donovan co-wrote 13 episodes during their eight-year run on the show

In its last season that show had some really terrible episodes written by discount writers and so I guess the benefit you have in "The IT Crowd" is that any variation in the writing does not come from having a bad writer but from the founding writing having a bad at-bat ...
