MovieChat Forums > La tourneuse de pages (2006) Discussion > How good/bad was young melanie's piano e...

How good/bad was young melanie's piano exam?

Early on in the film when she was playing for the judges (including Ariane) how good/bad was her playing? Maybe people who know the piece can answer. To me it seemed a bit mechanical, but maybe the music was meant to seem like this in its boroque style?

in other words she might not have been a great pianist anyway. Obviously not if she was this easily distracted. But she was a little loose in the head so obviously she FELT she was a great player whose career and fame was stopped solely by the autograph.


First many reviewers talk about the girl as if she were a musical genius!! There is simply NO indication in the movie that she is anything but another average kid taking piano lessons!! These people are adding this to justify her actions, I think!

Second, to give up the piano just because you don't like what ONE judge does or says tells us the kid is "not right in the head!" But to stew about a minor slight for 10 years is serious mental illness.

Third, this not a spoiler because you don't know how the movie ends! Certain things happen because the young girl is vindictive but does she ever get her "just rewards?" This is a movie that you can add your own ending to. We are simply left hanging, so if you like neat endings this isn't one--it isn't even a real ending.

So here is MY ending I have come up with for myself--As she walks away, a [stolen] Police car comes out of the distance & hits her breaking both legs. The car stops, the cellist she maimed [deliberately] gets out and helps her into the car like he's taking her to the hospital. But instead he drives the car into a lake but jumps out at the last second! You see the horror in her face close up as she realizes her legs are broken! Evil is punished!


...So here is MY ending I have come up with for myself--As she walks away, a [stolen] Police car comes out of the distance & hits her breaking both legs. The car stops, the cellist she maimed [deliberately] gets out and helps her into the car like he's taking her to the hospital. But instead he drives the car into a lake but jumps out at the last second! You see the horror in her face close up as she realizes her legs are broken! Evil is punished!

Good points and it was a good film


First, youve seen to much hollywood crap. Youre ending would totally kill the realism of the film.

Second, the ending is perfect, nothing more needs to be told as Melanie got what she wanted for 10 years.

Third she isnt evil at all, allthough the fact that she got very easily distracted is very true, that autograph costed the life she had in mind for her. I believe in eye for an eye so I sympathise with Melanie, that smile on her face when she walks away is just awesome.
I guess you would have to have taken revenge in some way to understand that, ad the thing she took revenge for wasnt exactly a little thing, makes it even more juicy.

Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


You must be loads of fun at parties. You apparently take everything far too literally and far too seriously; nothing in life is black and white, there are many shades of gray, and it would be healthy to get used to that. The poster was not actually serious about his/her idea of an alternate ending, and the film isn't asking you to sympathize with Melanie, it shows you that there is something wrong with Melanie and her vindictiveness, and you're just going along for the ride.

Revenge is a dish that best goes stale.


We're not supposed to sympathise with Melanie, we're supposed to think she's a nutcase. She failed an exam and so she should have. She had no right to evilly take revenge like this. That you say she was right to do so was ridiculous.


Well i have a thing for pretty females with a screw loose, what can i say. I liked her alot more :)
Any last words ?
Shut the *beep* up
-Mutant Chronicles-


Oh dear. You obviously know nothing about musical performance under pressure. The juror distracted her by signing an autograph (lolwut??) in the middle of a performance that she was meant to be judging and that's right? Are you flappin' retarded? As she says in the film, there was a difficult passage she was trying to nut out in that piece and that would require her full concentration, especially in a performance scenario. Not condoning Melanie but to say she was right to fail the exam? Now that is ridiculous.




She was indeed not quite right in the head to begin with. The misfortune during the piano exam was just minor one episode that gave her psychosis a focused direction. Other events could've also easily triggered its development. I used to play the piano as well and her exam piece wasn't that difficult. During my piano plays days, I knew other kids who were able to play much more complicated works at an even younger age than she was. She was definitely not some extraordinary prodigy, just a young girl with a passion and a fair amount of talent.

Her reaction was a very unusual one, esp. for a kid - giving up the piano completely, putting the figurine back into its box, closing and locking up her piano forever - that is just not what a more well-adjusted kid would do. They might cry, throw a tantrum, get angry, etc but eventually, if one really wanted to have a career as a professional pianist, one would persevere. She was strangely silent and self-contained, channeling her anguish and bitterness inwards. A seriously disturbed, creepy individual! Had she gone on to become a pianist, I could imagine her psychosis manifesting in all sorts of other dangerous, malicious ways!


She was good, it's just the part of the winning the audition was her most wanted thing, but a fan of (the woman judge) interrupted so therefore, Melanie started to go wrong which made he not to win. Plus it was the womans judges fault because she's living her dream in the music business and because of her rudeness to let the fan to come in an interrupt, she couldn't concentrate properly so ergo didn't get her dream.

